chapter 4.

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Ailiseu didn't think about it too much, about the man's harnesses and weird fashion style. Seeing as to how everyone else were wearing expensive satins and layers of fabric, this man was the only one with a full black overall. 

It didn't really strike her as a strange thing. Maybe, he was from another continent. Maybe, he's part of the army of something.

"Lord SeokJin, may I interest you to a walk?" the woman inquires. 

Ailiseu snapped out of her thoughts. 

Could this Lord be the owner of this castle as well? How many lords were there here?

Lord SeokJin nods his head, taking the small glass of grape wine at hand and offering his arm in the other. The lady grinned, accepting the gesture before the two meander out of the seemingly large hall. 

Ailiseu begins to scout for other guests. There were a lot of them and surely, they seemed hungry. She had lost her appetite the moment the food platter was laid out. Eating strawberries, after all, were fulfilling to her stomach. 

She hoped Haru was having fun playing with Caspar's brother. She hoped he was as excited as she is for tomorrow. She didn't care if she was exhausted in preparing the surprise. She would do anything for her younger brother.

The soft sound of a violin was playing in the background. The tune began with a medium tone, which eventually settled on to a stretched note. Fast paced fingers were also playing on the grand piano, its notes echoing off the walls.

Ailiseu was going along with the music, its soothingly serene atmosphere easing her excitement and doubt. She approaches another guest, who was beckoning for a drink whilst dancing a waltz with her partner.

Ailiseu didn't miss the chance to glance at the smug look on the woman's face. She was confused at her smile, but maintained her professionalism intact. She offers the couple the drinks provided before walking away to another couple.

"She looks marvelous." the lady mumbles under her breath, which Ailiseu caught on. 

She didn't understand what the lady meant. 

The music in the background started becoming intense. Ailiseu's limbs were oddly exhausted, although she felt she was only here for a while. The music was supposed to hype her up and cause her to be restless. Ailiseu checked the other guests and servers and noticed the difference in their body movements.

She excused herself to no one in particular and there didn't seem to be anyone stopping her. She brought the silver tray with her, passing through the crowd ever so easily. She wasn't sure if she was feeling under the weather or if she didn't eat well enough before coming here. 

Ailiseu passes through the guards, of whom make no eye contact with her, let alone call out after her. She held onto her stomach, somehow feeling funny from the head and the stomach. Perhaps it was the strawberries that wasn't strangely to her liking. 

The server stopped next to a column and idly rests for a moment. She lifts her head up, now realising she had no idea where the powder room is. 

"I should've asked one of the guards." she sighs under her breath.

Ailiseu forces herself to continue walking and to search for the changing room. She tries to retrace her steps back to the only small room. It was weird that the corridors were eerily empty, yet oddly serene. She could faintly hear the music from the ball party echoing from one end to another. 

She wandered how humongous this castle really was, seeing as to how most of the trees were occupying both sides of the land. 

The server walks up to one of the windows. The night had already settled in for a few hours and she lost count of time. She regretted not bringing her late Father's pocket watch. It must've been somewhere in the house. 

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