chapter 19.

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The silence that has never been so awkward settled uncomfortably between the pair and Taehyung. Both Hoseok and Jimin were escorted out of the drawing chamber. It somehow didn't help elevate the anger from a few seconds ago, as it was still diminishing like a dying smoke. 

Ailiseu observes the warm jasmine tea with mint in front of her. The steam from the tea was dancing in abnormal swirls. She didn't know what to say to Taehyung. She was just shocked that he was related to them and is a Lord after all this time.  She quietly fumbles with her fingers. 

Jaehyun crosses both of his arms, whilst deadpanning at Taehyung. If looks could kill, Taehyung would've died in an instant. 

"I take it my brothers are a bit ... too forward with you?" Taehyung inquires, settling the cup of tea back on the cup. 

The Lord dabs a fresh clean napkin on the edge of his lips, cleaning the droplet of tea from his lips. His eyes avert from the teacup to the pair. Ailiseu couldn't think of anything but Haru. He must be wondering where his sister has strayed off to so late. She hopes that he stayed over at Caspar's home or one of his own friends. 

Taehyung sighs, "I'm sorry for their behaviours. I can't control how they react to others."

Ailiseu slightly loosens. She shrugs at his comment and reaches out for the still steaming tea, to which Jaehyun abruptly stopped her.

"Jaehyun?" Ailiseu mutters under her breath.

He kept a firm grip on her wrist as his eyes were trained hard as stone towards Taehyung. The latter wasn't affected by his deathly stare at all and continued to sip the tea.  

"What if there's poison in this tea?" Jaehyun said.

Taehyung chuckled at Jaehyun's silly question.

"Why, if it were poisoned, you'd be dead by now from the steam itself, but you aren't."

Ailiseu grew worried that if Jaehyun furrows his brows, even more, they'd be stuck permanently. The two were thinking of the same thing. Of course, the poisoned tea wouldn't be served to him.

"Taehyung, answer us, why are we here? What business do the Lords have with us?"

"That's not my place to say. I didn't even volunteer in bringing the two of you here. You could've come back to the community by yourself. I'm just here to stop things from getting worse and even preventing from getting the two of you killed."

The muscles on Ailiseu are slightly tense. She imagined death coming, but not sooner. Jaehyun's jaw unclenches from the statement. The tea was still left untouched. 

Hope was beginning to disintegrate from Ailiseu. She could not come up with any propositions or easy lies. Her mind is completely blank, an empty canvas with unrelenting anxious thoughts. They both weren't getting out of here until their questions were answered. She couldn't give a sideways glance to Jaehyun. 

"I have a proposition for the both of you. Mark my words, this will guarantee your safety." Taehyung offers, tilting the cup against his lips with elegance. 

He sets the empty cup back on the plate and intertwines both fingers together. A gentle smile rises smoothly on his lips. Ailiseu felt reassurance and uneasy at the same time. They were a conflicting mess that she managed to control by holding her emotions down. 

There was no going back safely. 

On the bright side, complying with Taehyung's proposition might get them out of here alive and well. Before Taehyung can even offer his proposal, Ailiseu stops him with a question, "What do you get in return? And why are you helping us?"

"I wouldn't want poor little Haru to be left alone now. And neither do I want rumours flying around of a well-known man's son going missing." he answers, leaving a heavy mark in Ailiseu's heart.

She is stunned at the mention of Haru. It is obvious that Lord Hoseok and Jimin are after their heads for their answers. She gulps in silence, giving in to the solitude. She tilts her head forward, gesturing for Taehyung to continue his proposal.

"It's a simple request, really. I want the two of you to stay here for a couple of months. Serve the lords. Attend to their needs and accompany them wherever they go."

Ailiseu couldn't register the words for a moment. She assumed it was leaning on Taehyung's sarcastic side. The words and requests themselves didn't sink in as an actual proposal. Until Taehyung's silence and firm, calm expression said so otherwise. A lingering silence occupies the drawing room. 

"I will give the two of you some time to think it over, but I'm sure you know what to do in the end." Taehyung states calmly. 

He leaves the room in steady and leisure steps. The door closes behind him and the pair are left alone to ponder with their thoughts. To be fair, there isn't much to think about. Ailiseu could try tracing her steps back to where she escaped the palace. However, falling from a tall height directly onto a waterfall resulted in a few days of rising fever. 

"It looked like they were really after our head ... or something." Ailiseu begins.

Jaehyun pushes the still-filled cup of cold tea away. He glances at Ailiseu's now empty cup of tea before looking at her serene expression. 

"Not much of a choice, is there?" Jaehyun asks. 

Ailiseu leans back against the chair. She was beginning to ponder further whether it would be best to take the same escape route again. It was by pure luck, perhaps, that she made it out alive, alone. 

"Don't you think it's a bit odd for them to ask for us to serve them?"

"Did you see anyone else, aside from the butler in this whole ass mansion?"

"Maybe they're in time out or something in the dungeon." Ailiseu said, accidentally letting out a slip of the tongue.

"The ... dungeon?" Jaehyun inquires, curiosity now peaking into his interest. 

"Nevermind. What's our solution going to be then?" Ailiseu sighs, pushing the cup of tea away from her reach. 

Jaehyun stands up from the table and begins to roam around the drawing chamber. He takes note of the meticulous detail of the feature wall, the minimal furniture and plant pots situated in each corner as well as the windowless walls. Jaehyun lightly knocks on one of the walls, its hollow enclosure echoing in response. 

He saunters back to Ailiseu occupies the seat next to her. 

"This is the first time that I've seen the lords up close. Don't you think it's a bit weird not to see them during our yearly festivals?" Jaehyun starts, lowering his voice as much as he can in earshot.

Ailiseu was about to agree, until the hefty doors were barged open. 

"Have you two made up your mind yet? We don't have much time, you know?" Taehyung smiles, a rather devilish tug on the lips made obviously. 

The pair briefly exchange glances and all they could do is surrender. Jaehyun has nothing to hide. 

Ailiseu remains quiet, yet nods her head slowly to the subjective question. There was nothing much to be negotiated at this moment. 

"Well, that's a wrap. Do follow me to your assigned changing rooms and the lords that you'll serve." 

. . . 

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