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It was the day of the race. I got up and fixed my hair and went running to find Guido. I ran down the hill where the race would take place.

I turned my head side to side. Looking for Guido. I finally saw him standing in line. I was about to walk up to him when Ercole and Ciccio walked up to him.

"So Guido,your little friend decided to quit?" He asked. "She didn't-" Guido started. "Actually!" I cut in. "I'm right here and ready to start the race!" I said. "(Y/n)! You came back!" Guido yelled. "Of course! I couldn't let you do this on your own." I said with a smile. "(Y/n)! How did you-uh! What are you-?!" Ercole couldn't get his words out before he finally smoothed back his hair and sighed. "Ok you two,may the best team win." Ercole said slowly.

Me and Guido smiled at each other. Ercole and Ciccio started to walk away. He then grabbed my arm and pulled my ear up to his mouth. "Don't mess this up for me." Ercole whispered and let go and walked away.

"Ok! Come on Guido! There gonna start soon!" I said. "Si!" Guido yelled. We went running to the beach where they were going to swim.

Guido stood on the the shore watching. I stood in line with the other contestants. "signore e signori! The race is about to begin!" The lady yelled. (signore e signori! Means lady's and gentlemen)

I took a deep breath and smiled back at Guido. "Partire (y/n)!" Guido yelled. (Partire means go) "ready.....set.....go!" The lady yelled.

I jumped into the water and went swimming. I was first! Great! I swam around the metal cone and started my way back. "si! ciccio! nuota più veloce idiota!" Ercole yelled. (All that means aye! Ciccio! Swim faster idiot!)

Ciccio got distracted and hit his head on the metal cone and it knocked him out cold. He fell back.

Boats came out and picked him up. "si! ovviamente questo doveva succedere a me. ciccio non sarai mai più il mio compagno!" Ercole mumbled. (All that means is aye! Of course this had to happen to me! Ciccio! You are never gonna be my partner again!)

I swam to the shore and shook of the water and ran to go start eating.

Hope you liked this chapter! 💓

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