Breaking the news

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Guido smiled at me and hugged me at tight as he could. "We won! We won (y/n)!" Guido yelled as he kissed me on the lips. He didn't realize was was doing it until a few seconds after.

He pulled away. "Oh! Uh,I'm so sorry! I didn't mean too-" before he could finish I pulled him in and kissed him back. He melted into the kiss.

Ercole on the other hand yelled out of frustration,kicked his bike,and ran home. After that,the town threw a big party. We had food and danced and had so much fun!

They gave us a trophy and the prize money for winning the race. The first thing me and Guido did when we won,was going and get some ice cream at the same place I got mine from when we met.

After eating me and Guido watched the sun go down. While we were setting there,I realized that I hadn't told him that I was leaving in 2 days.

He was having so much fun and I didn't want to spill it,so I decided I'd tell him tomorrow.

The next day came and I walked up Guido. "Ciao (y/n)!" He said. "Hey Guido." You said back in a rather upset tone. "Is everything ok?" He asked. "Guido. I have some bad news." I said. "What is it?" He asked as he jumped down off the brick wall.

"Guido. I'm leaving tomorrow." I said. "What do you mean leaving?" He asked. "I'm going home." I said. "Wait. Your leaving Italy?" He asked with a sad look on his face.

"Yes. Today's my last day here then I'm taking a flight back to (w/y/l)." I told him. (W/y/l) means where you live)

he sighed and kicked a small rock. "Then we better make the most of what we have left." He said witha smile. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah! Come on! Let's go see what we can do!" He said as we went running.

We got danced to music,and ate some lunch,we went to a museum and watched a short movie. We also took many pictures on Guidos print out camera.

We saved the best for last. We both got some ice cream and sat on the fountain like how we met and chatted.

When it got dark,we both went home. He promised to come say goodbye before I drove to airport.

Hope you guys liked it! 💜

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