❤Thirty Six❤

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"Jayden!" Ryan excitedly runs to me. I know that they are leaving for the airport in a few minutes.

"Hey kiddo. You ready to leave?" I ask and he nods excitedly. "So, where are you going to?" I ask hopefully but as usual Jada looks like she thought ahead.

"Mummy said it was a surprise. Will you come and see us?"

"Yes. I will but I'll have to know where you are going to."

"We can go and ask my mum." Ryan says but I shake my head negatively.

"I can't kid. Do you know who your guardian angel is?"

"My mum." He says surely and I laugh.

"Yeah. And I'm your mum's but she doesn't know that." I whisper like its a secret but he looks at me dumbly.

"Then tell her so that you can go with us." He says innocently. I know Jada will appear anytime to look for Ryan.

"No,  I can't. But take this is my number. Whenever you're both in trouble or need to talk to anyone just call me okay? I'll be there." I say and he looks at the paper that I give him.

"Take care of Jada. And don't tell her that we talked, or my guardian angel powers will..."

"You should understand that I not a small baby. I know you like my mum and I like you." He says making me shut my mouth. He's just like Leo in a way.

"You got me. Now go or she'll suspect something." I say and he salutes at me and I nod at him. He turns to leave but I stop him. I walk to him.

"Don't forget to call me." I say as I cut a few strands of hair.

"We'll see." He grins as he leaves and I put the few strands of hair in an airtight bag. I walk to my motorbike that is parked on the other side of the basement parking and I see Jada's missing. I look to where her car's always parked but it's also not there.

I let out a huff before getting on mine and soon enough I'm out of the basement. I see Jada and Ryan getting into a cab as I ride past them making sure to make eye contact with Jada.

'We'll meet soon.' I say through my eyes but her cold eyes look away as she gets into the waiting cab. I drive to my friend's hospital. His colleague has specialized with the DNA tests. I give them the two different bags with black hair strands.

Time to give Amelia a short visit. From what I know, she works in Sydney's and Isabella Kings' joint company as the Finance manger. I've always seen the company on my way to my mother's. They are a block apart.

I arrive in front of the building my bike making everyone to look at me before continuing with whatever they are doing. Should have brought my car.

I walk to the security people who ask for my identification. I tell them that I'm there to see Amelia Harrison. They tell me to wait as they call her office. Two minutes later, I'm given a visitor's badge and told where to go. I stand in the elevator then press seventeen.

The first person I see after the elevator opens is Amelia who stands there with a serious face. She tells me to follow her and I scoff. I watch her walking away until she stops and looks behind confused. She walks to me looking angry.

"What are you doing?" She asks her jaw clenching.

"You should talk politely to your visitors Mrs Harrison." I say my voice taunting. I can see frustration build up inside her.

"Follow me, please." She plasters a fake smile as I do too. I follow her to a room that I can easily conclude it's a meeting room.

"What do you want?"

"Jada knows that her son is alive." I say and I see her visibly gulp as she pales. I was told Jada is one of the most feared women in the mafia. Isabella is the most feared but Jada is on the top three list.

"When?" She asks and I see her slightly shaking but she tries to hide it by sitting.

"A few hours ago. I bet she's going to Italy as we're speaking right now. She just left for the airport." I say gauging her reaction to the news. Her eyes widen.

"But I'm still searching. I tracked the couple that lived there. The man died two years ago and the woman is sick. I was to meet her today." She says. I know she wants to breakdown but she doesn't. She's trying not to show any weakness.

"Tell me how it goes. Maybe I'll talk to Jada." I say before walking to the glass door. "Text me the time and place you'll meet the woman." I don't look back as I walk to the elevator where I find Isabella talking to a man about something in the file. She looks up and sees me surprise showing on her face.

"Jayden. Fancy seeing you here." She says with a smile. The man next to me gives me a nod in greeting.

"I came to see Amelia. I'm leaving now." I say and she nods with a smile but I can see her eyes looking at me with question. I look ahead until we reach the ground floor.

"I'm a fan Jayden Williams." He say seconds before the elevator stops. I give him a nod not knowing what to say. I stopped playing? But everyone know that by now. It was announced everywhere.

"Till next time." I say to both of them and Isabella smiles at me with a small nod before we all get out. I walk to the security where they take the visitor's badge before I walk to where I parked my motorbike. 

I should go back to my apartment. But to do what? I've never had nothing to do because of basketball and Leo. I look at the building a block away and I sigh.

"Here I come mother."

I stop my bike on the nearest parking space and walk to the entrance. Everyone recognizes me and so I walk straight to the elevator and press to the top most floor. The fifty eighth button.

I walk to my mother's secretary who seems to be busy. "Hi, Tess. Is my mother in?" I ask making her stop, startled. 

"Oh, Jayden. I've always told you to stop doing that." "She scolds jokingly as she holds her chest her cheeks turning a shade darker.

"It's always comical." I say laughing and she grins.

"Long time no see. What brings you here?" She asks giving me a genuine smile.

"I came to see mother." I say.

"She free for the next hour. Since Leo's... death, she doesn't take a break." She says biting her lip. That action would get to me before but I feel nothing right now. I nod my mood dampened.

"I'll see her now." I say before walking to my mother's door. I knock and I hear my mother's emotionless voice reminding me of Jada. Jada.

"Come in."

I open the door making her look up. I can see surprise cover her face for a second before she's back to her blank face. Just like Jada.

"Jayden." She states as I walk to one of the chairs near her desk.

"Mother." I say with the same tone as she's done making her let out a surprising warm laugh.

"Still trying to imitate me son?" She asks making me look at her intently. She's never like this.

"Maybe because I still look up to you." I say making her to stop whatever she's doing. She looks at me for a second or two.

"Did you need anything Jayden?" She asks going back to her cold self.

"Once in a while, we need to see our parents no matter how cold and unloving they are." I spit. She looks at me surprised.

"I have work to do Jayden. I can't sit and chit chat with you when you have nothing to do. As you can see, I'm busy." She says making me let out a dry laugh.

"Maybe if you were a little bit warmer, Leo would have died knowing he had a grandmother that loved him and Linda would come back to see you. She needs you mother. Especially now when she's going to be a mother too." I say and stand. I storm out of her office and not bother to say anything to Tess.


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