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I raise my eyes towards a silent Jayden. He isn't moving or saying anything. His eyes are closed and I can see tears dropping down to Leonardo's body. I look down to the body but as every time I do, my heart skips and I feel it clench in pain. I know people are around me but I can't hear them. I'm sure Jayden can't either.

I see some men try to pick Leo from Jayden's arms but he still clings on him. "Leave him alone. He's supposed to wake up." His lips say and for the first time, a tear falls down my left cheek.

The men say something but Jayden doesn't let him go. Someone picks me up and hugs me. I don't hug the person back but soon I hear a whimper from me.

Leonardo Williams is dead.

I hit the person's chest as I cry. How could I let this happen? My mission was to protect him. A mission that I belittled. Leonardo is dead. I cry. The person hugs me saying words that I don't understand. I stand in the person's arms until I can hear everyone around and the sirens blaring. I move out of the person's embrace to find its a concerned Cole. I turn to where Jayden was but I see him climb into the ambulance.

The ambulance starts immediately the door is shut but I remain in the same spot. "It's all my fault. I was so fucking slow." I say and I feel Cole move to my side and direct me to my car.

I sit and Cole walks to the driver's seat. He sits for a while and doesn't start the car. "I've never seen you affected Jada. How did it come to this?" He asks but I don't look towards him.

"I was supposed to protect him. I failed and he was so young and so talented." I let out a shaky breath.

"I took your bag. It was lying next to you. We're going to headquarters. Mike is waiting for us." I shake my head no and I notice a slight headache form.

"No. I'll go see Jayden. I have to go to the hospital." I say now feeling numb. Cole lets out a breath and mutters something under his breath that I don't care to catch as he starts the car.

The drive takes about seven minutes to the hospital that Cole is sure that Leo and Jayden were taken to.

"I'll wait here. Go in." He says as soon as he parks the car and I give him a curt nod. I get out of the car and walk towards the hospital. I see Jayden come out and I immediately walk to him. He looks like a mess. Not that I expected otherwise but he looks different.

"Jayd..." He lifts his palm to stop me and continues walking away. I follow him calling him once again. I want to tell him that... I actually don't know but I have to say something.

I walk to him and stand infront of him.

"You were supposed to protect him. Why did you leave on Friday night when YOU should've been there? I told you I would take care of Leo when I went there but YOU had to be the hero." He says the word hero as if it's something disgusting. I don't say anything because I know what he's doing. Trying to blame the next thing. I was once there.

"I knew this plan would fail but you were so eager to do it. Do you see what happened?" I don't say anything and this makes him angrier. "I shouldn't have listened to you. I shouldn't have trusted you. Look what it did. It costed my nephew's life. You are toxic Jada or whatever you're name is. Your secrets and different identities have caused this and I hate you. I never want to see you again near me or my family." He spits and walks bumping his shoulder with mine.

I think about his words. They aren't true. I did everything I knew was right and that could save Leo. Maybe I could've used a different strategy and tactic but I know I did whatever I could. I even went back to my past for them. He's blaming me because he's hurt. I'll find Leo's killer and I'll torture them to death.

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