Chapter 3 : Sasuke's Crushin on Fire

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Fire's POV

I woke up to something on my face when I realised I had a cat on my face. SUKI YOU BAKA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Then I was totally awake so I went to go and get ready.

I got in the shower and washed my hair and body for the first time since my clans killing. It felt nice but it brought memories back of my clan and friends. So I pushed that out of my mind and got out to finish getting ready.


When I got to the training grounds the only person there was duck-butt. so I casually walked up and said hi but no he was so emo all he said was "Hn". WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF MESSED UP PERSON WAS HE! HE CANT EVEN SAY GOOD MORNING OR EVEN FOR FUCKIN' GODS SAKE LOOK AT ME. I was so pissed at him GOD! Then he looked at me and just gazed. For a couple of seconds I was so confused then I go it. So yesterday when he first met me I just had a plain white dress on and it was a little big so it did not show what I really looked like but today I have a skin tight tube top that only came two inches from my belly button and a very tiny mini skirt so I decided to mess with him. Hey Sasuke do you see something you like. Oh his face was hilarious!! he just shook his head in fear and looked away. I almost died with laughter then he looked at me and said loser. I immediately stopped laughing and decided to mess with him more so I came really close to him and whispered in his ear in the most seductive way possible "Sasuke what was that". he just ran away by then I laughed then I got a searing pain I my stomach and then I passed out but the thing is someone caught me and just before I blacked out I saw a pair of onyx eyes staring at me with concern.

Sasuke's POV

I saw fire start to go down I ran to catch her and caught her just in time as I looked at her I really did think she was beautiful. NO stop it Sasuke you have never thought that before lets keep that record I thought. Then something caught my eye blood dripped down from her mouth when you pass out from laughing blood does not drip from your mouth. I needed to take her to the hospital.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO peeps pls vote comment and hopefully fan !!! bi

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