love story

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i was in mattias room on his lap in his gaming chair as my face laid in his neck amd my hand were in the back gently running my fingers threw his hair gently rubbing his scalp

mattias eyes were struggling to stay awake and i giggled looking at him and his eyes fluttered open up

we stared into each-other eyes and i leaned in and kissed him softly as he kissed back almost automatically

are lips molded together as there was clicks filling the room as he held my waist gently hugging it bringing me closer

i smiled softly before pulling away and put my face in his neck again feeling him smile as he rubbed my back


its been 2 weeks since the kiss and i was walking into school and seen mattia walking my way seeing him smile in-till someone ran past me running to him and jumping in his arms as they kissed making me stop in my tracks and just look

i felt a tear roll down my face before wiping it. i took a deep breath and began walking again by mattia

mattia: hey y/n

i ignored him and put my locker while looking up at him silently before shut my locker and walked away leaving him confused

i got to class and sat down as i put my air-pods in ans played music while sketching since first period we didnt need to do anything but catch up in homework and things we didnt finish

mattia sat beside me

mattia: are u mad at me y/n?

i shook my head slightly as i sketched out a girl and boy holding each other and i drew my face onto the girls body and stopping at the boys before shutting the book and looking at mattia seeing that he was watching

mattia: what are u drawing?

he sajd trying to grab my book but i moved his hand grabbing my book

y/n: nothing..

i mumbled knowing i write and draw my feelings out in the book and he scrunched his eyebrows and i sighed getting up

y/n: im leaving...i dont feel good

i said picking up my bag and left home

i know i cant control his feelings but how do u act like you didnt kiss me?...

he makes it seem like it never happen

maybe im over reacting..

"it was just a kiss y/n..."

i said to myself as i teared up looking in the mirror as i dropped my backpack on the door and throwing off my shoes and slid off my jeans and shirt before slipping over a hoodie and i grabbed a makeup wipe and wiped off all my mascara and lip gloss and washed my face after throwing my hair into a ponytail

i climbed into bed and got under the covers and bared my face into my big teddy bears chest that smelt like mattia since he always sprays it with his Cologne and i eventually fell asleep

i woke up feeling arms aroumd my waist and a hand inside my hoodie causing me to look and see mattia sleeping making butterflies fill my stomach and let him be as my finger traced his fingers and my thumb past over the rings on his fingers and i felt him putting my face into my neck making me smile

i slowly turned around facing him and his hands went around my waist again on my lower back i placed my head against his bare chest

mattia: hi

imagines - mattiapolibio<3.🐸Where stories live. Discover now