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chapter six:
scuba diving.

chapter six:scuba diving

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the chateau
the next day, amelia had gotten dressed into a black two piece bikini and jean shorts. she didn't bother to put a top on. perks on living where she lived, you wouldn't get judged for walking around in your bikini.

after she put on her black chucks, she put her earphones in and walked to the chateau.

when she got there, she found her friends sitting outside.

kie was playing with little bongo drums, pope was sitting on the couch across her and jj sat on a small table on the grass near them, playing with rocks.

amelia greeted them all and sat next to kie.

"look, i'm calling it off. all right? peterkin said if i stay out of the marsh, she'll help me with DCS." john b told his friends after walking out of the house.

john b's father had been lost at sea the past nine months and with his uncle not around, DCS had been on john b's ass, since he was a minor living alone.

jj looked at the routledge boy in disbelief, "and you believed her?"

"yes, i believe her, jj." john b answered.

"an actual cop, john b. you believed a cop?" jj asked him as he threw a rock he had in his hand.

everyone knew that jj maybank was not a fan of cops.

"all i gotta do is stay out of the marsh for a couple of days and she'll help me out!" john b told jj, "it doesn't help that your ass was shooting a gun!"

"you know what i should have done? just let topper drown your ass!" jj told him, throwing another rock.

john b let out a scoff at jj's comment, "topper was gonna drown me?"

jj walked towards the group, "sure looked like it." he then pointed to john b's face, "i mean, have you looked in a mirror?"

"they always win, don't they, man?" jj asked, leaning against the legs of the pavilion, "kooks versus pogues. they always, always win! goddamn!"

"look, it's okay!" kie shouted at jj, trying to calm the angry boy down.

"no, it's not okay! it is not! they don't want us to go down to the marsh. that means there's something valuable down there." jj told the group.

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