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chapter twenty-three:
john b is a wanted man.


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kie's car
the next morning, the group of friends were laying down in kie's car that was parked under some shelter, trying to stay hidden away from the cops that were out looking for john b.

amelia was sat in the back in between jj and john b. seeing as she didn't have a head rest, she laid her head on her boyfriends shoulder.

when hearing a police siren, jj immediately sat up, a blunt in his mouth as he tried to look out of the windshield of the car. amelia let out a groan as she lifted her head, "i was comfortable, j."

"my bad, babe." jj turned to his girlfriend with a sheepish smile, laying back down so that the blossom girl could rest her head again.

"and still, no arrest in the shooting death of sheriff susan peterkin. the state police have issued a statement regarding a local person of interest, a juvenile from—" kie turned off the radio before the reporter could say john b's name.

"let's game this out. maybe you guys can help, being the smart ones and all," jj pointed to kie and pope, who were sitting in the front, "but, who are the cops going to believe? ward cameron, or us?"

when no one said anything, jj continued, "so, the accuser is a big shot developer, kind of lord of the island, got the governor on speed dial kind of person. and the accused... is john b, who is, pretty much a homeless seventeen year old boy at the moment."

"thanks." john b sarcastically mumbled to jj.

"i mean, he's not wrong." amelia joked as she lifted her head off jj's shoulder. john b ended up flipping her off, a small smile on his lips.

having his shoulder free, jj turned to john b, "okay man, yucatan, all right? i'm saying that's the only option. what other option do you have?"

"enough with the mexico bullshit, all right?" john b told jj, "sarah will bail me out."

"she did witness the whole thing." kie said from the front, her body turned towards the three in the back.

john b lifted his hand towards kie, "thank you."

"and she's gonna snitch on her brother?" pope asked kie, looking at her in disbelief.

jj shook his head at kie and john b, taking his blunt out of his mouth as he leaned on his arm, "not happening, bro. okay?"

before the maybank boy could place the blunt back on his lips, amelia snatched it and took a drag. after taking a hit, she looked at her friends, "sarah and rafe may be siblings, but she'd never let an innocent person go to jail."

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