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chapter eighteen:
to going full kook!

warning: there will be smut in this chapter

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warning: there will be smut in this chapter.
if you get uncomfortable reading it, you will see ° before and after it happens.


crains house
after confirming that they had all the tools they needed, the group sat in the twinkie that was parked outside the crains house.

"you look good, babe." jj whispered into amelia's ear, making the blossom girl look down at her black over sized shirt, bike shorts and her black chucks, then back at him, "i'm not in anything special?"

"you still look good." jj replied with a wink, before turning towards his friends, "let's go get rich, guys!"

"hell yeah! let's go boys and girls!" kie cheered as john b opened the van door.

"wait, wait, wait," john b stopped his friends from leaving the vehicle, making them all look at him in confusion, "i wanna say thank you, guys. seriously. it means a lot to me that you're here tonight."

kie gave him a smile, "always."

"of course man," pope said before him and the routledge boy did their hand shake.

"all right, we done with the circle jerk? can we go do this?" jj asked, ruining the moment.

"let's go get that wheat in the water!" pope said, hyping everyone up.

"weed? i'm up for weed!" jj said, getting excited, making amelia laugh, "babe, he said wheat."

"oh, i knew that."

with the help of jj, amelia climbed on top of the wall, then jumped off, landing flat on her feet.

after jj jumped over the wall, the two followed behind their friends through the tall grass. when the porch light turned on, everyone fell to the ground and turned their flashlights off.

"okay, so she has motion sensor lights," pope whispered, out of breath from rushing to turn his flashlight off.

"we could, uh, move really slowly, maybe?" jj said, making everyone look at him in disbelief, pope shook his head, "that's not how it works."

"oh, shit. let's throw a rock at it." john b said, making amelia face palm, "that would literally wake up mrs. crain."

kie rolled her eyes at the routledge boy, "that's a really good idea. let the axe murderer know that we're here."

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