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chapter eleven:
starting fires.

chapter eleven:starting fires

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the chateau
amelia woke up to kie yelling at her and jj to wake up.

the blossom girl was grateful that her friends were used to her and jj sleeping next to each other.

whenever the gang would have a sleepover at the chateau, two of them would have to share, since there wasn't enough places to sleep.

and seeing as john b, pope and kie hated sleeping next to amelia (because she usually would steal the covers), it was usually the blossom girl and jj sharing.

when amelia felt arms wrapped around her, she turned around and found a sleeping jj next to her. the memories of last night flashed through her mind, making her blush.

after removing jj's arms off her, amelia went straight to the bathroom, did what she had to do and went back to the room to get ready.

amelia looked at jj and found him still asleep in bed. as soon as she slipped off her top and was left in just her shorts, she heard a wolf whistle, "what a sight to wake up to."

amelia closed her eyes when she heard his morning voice. fuck did she love it.

"a little privacy, please?" she told him over her shoulder, making jj chuckle.

"did you forget that we literally fucked less than 12 hours ago?" jj asked her, now standing behind amelia, his chest pressed against her bare back.

amelia leaned her head against jj's chest when she felt his lips pressed against her neck, "mornin', beautiful."

"good morning, j." she murmured, her eyes fluttering close when jj's hands moved up her waist and to her exposed breasts.

when jj pinched her nipple, the blossom girl had to bite her lip to stop her from moaning.

"we shouldn't," amelia whispered, stopping the blond from doing anything, "everyone's awake and waiting for us."

jj let out a dramatic sigh, "you're no fun."

when she heard jj leave the room, amelia proceeded to get dressed, putting on a blue crop tank top, black baggy ripped jeans and her black converse. 

sometime in between of her getting dressed, jj had come back into the room. so when she turned around to find him shirtless, she couldn't stop her self from staring, "enjoying the view, princess?"

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