4.9K 52 3

Hey guys!!

It's been a while since I revisited this book because I've been so busy writing two other books haha. I always meant to come back to this one but I just never got around to it.

Firstly, we're at 2k reads and I know that doesn't seem like a lot but it's a lot to me so thank you all so much! It means the world to me <3

Second I plan on editing and revising this book. I wanna make a different cover for the book, update it a little because I made it a long time ago and it seems a little childish if I'm being completely honest. I'm going to update the chapters and fix any grammatical mistakes but nothing about the plot line or characters will change. I'm really just going to do some cleaning up and maybe just try to improve the quality of the chapters because I've definitely grown as a writer since last writing this book and I know a few things will bug me when it comes to editing this book.

Once the book is to my liking, I will be starting the sequel! I've been putting it off because I wasn't sure how many reads this book would get but I've been dying to continue Logan and Hazel's story so fuck it I'll make the sequel. So stay tuned for that, their story isn't over yet!

In the meantime, check out my latest book His Calm Her Storm. The book is complete so if you'd like to read it, it would mean a lot to me :)

Love you all so much! Talk to you guys soon!

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