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I wake up the next morning having had one of the best sleeps I've had in the past two months. Really ever since the last time we slept in the same bed together. For once my sleep was peaceful and I had the warmth of his body next to me, heating me up all night.

I missed it.

And waking up I feel a different kind of peacefulness knowing that we are getting back on track with how we used to be. Hopefully moving past what we used to be into something more, but I won't get too ahead of myself. I'm just happy to be here.

I open my eyes fully and stretch my arms out before turning around and looking down to see if Logan is awake. I sit up against the headboard noticing that the mat on the floor is gone and the blankets are all folded up in the corner. I rub my eyes and take the covers off walking to go see if he's in the bathroom.

When I find he's not in there either, I quickly brush my teeth and then walk downstairs to go look for him. I find him in the kitchen and I smile at the sight.

He's over the stove flipping pancakes, chocolate chip pancakes I think. They smell delicious, and what's even better is that he's doing it shirtless. 

"Good morning" he says without turning around. I can hear the smirk on his face.

"Good morning" I reply with a smile as I walk further into the kitchen.

I take a seat on the barstool at the counter and watch him as he continues to flip pancakes. His back muscles are glorious and I just want to run my hands over them. I bite my lip as my eyes scan his body. The loose grey joggers hanging on his waist, how his back muscles contract when he moves his arms. I squeeze my legs together under the table.

"You checking me out captain?" he asks glancing over his shoulder.

I clear my throat. "Why would you think that?"

"I can feel those beautiful eyes of yours on me. I can always tell when you're looking at me" he turns the stove off and puts the last pancake on the plate.

"Well you're standing right by the food and I'm hungry" I lie cocking my head to the side.

He turns around and sits the plate with the stack of pancakes on the counter. He places his forearms on the countertop and leans his body forward so that he's looking directly in my eyes and only a few inches away from my face.

"I don't think pancakes are what you're hungry for" he whispers. As soon as the last word leaves his lips, they curl into a smirk.

I watch him as his eyes narrow and stare at me loving the reaction that my body is giving to his words. I'm pretty sure I've stopped breathing and my lips are slightly parted, soft but deep breaths leaving them. I don't think I'll ever get used to his boldness.

I press my legs together even tighter.

He smiles before standing upright and he goes into the cabinet and grabs two plates, forks, and some syrup. He hands me my fork and plate and comes around the other side of the counter to sit down next to me.

Before I can reach to get some pancakes and try to redirect the attention away from me, I feel him reach down and push his hand in between my legs moving them away from each other.

"If you soak through, I wanna know" he whispers in my ear before reaching for the stack of pancakes and pulling them closer to us.

Dear sweet Jesus.

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