{"a long night"}

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The rest of the season goes by really fast. We win championships which is a really fun day for our school. We have actually won championships ever since my freshman year, but I have to give the credit to Logan for that. He's been on varsity ever since his freshman year kind of like me, I was co-captain my freshman year but after that I got moved to the position of captain and I've been captain ever since.

There is only a few more days left until winter break starts. It's been two months since Logan that day of the away game. It's possibly been the hardest two months that I've had since my parents died.

I thought that would never end, that's what it felt like. But like everything with time it got better. The more I avoided him the easier it was to forget. It became easier and easier to push him out of my mind. Eventually we just went back to being strangers. I think that part is what hurt the most, being strangers. But it's better this way.

We've always should've been strangers anyway, it never should have gotten further than that.

All I'm doing is making right what we did wrong.

When the season ended in late November, I started to take up dance. I do it every year since cheering only last for the football season. It keeps me in shape but it's also another form of release for me. I find it easier to express myself this way. I love cheer, but with dance I'm more free to move my body in the way I feel. I don't have to worry about tight arms and routines, I can just let go.

We have a dance studio in the basement of our school so I go there everyday after classes and just dance. It's not unusual for me, I do this every year after cheer season. I even make up some dance routines to do when I'm not doing freestyle.

I pack up my bag after the bell rings and head straight to my locker to get my gym bag. I talk with Sophia and make plans with her over this coming weekend and then walk down the flight of stairs that lead to the basement.

I change in the bathroom and walk into the room to start my stretches. These days I'm always pretty much by myself. Sophia and I only really hang out on weekends since her and Austin are always together and I never really noticed how little time we spent together during the week until me and Logan stopped hanging out. I guess I didn't realize how much time I actually spent with him.

I start off with a faster song to get my body moving and warmed up. When it comes to picking music to dance to, I never pick music with lyrics. Personally I dance better when there is no distraction of someone singing over the melody. The melody is what really encourages my body to move the lyrics only distract me from the real feeling. Hearing the bass, the instruments, it does more for me than words ever could.

"I've never seen you in the dance studio before"

As soon as I finish the dance and the song goes off, a voice speaks up, and I jump because I had no idea there was anyone in here. 

I furrow my eyebrows and turn around to see a tall boy with soft curly brown hair standing in the doorway. What surprised me the most is that his voice was accompanied by a really thick english accent which I definitely didn't expect. I've never seen him around school before either. I'm not sure if his presence makes me on edge or curious. Maybe a little of both.

"Oh..umm..I-" I stumble over my words.

"You're a good dancer" he says walking further into the room.

"Oh thanks...I don't really dance it's just something I do for fun" I'm finally able to speak a clear sentence. He nods his head.

"You're the cheer captain right? Hazel?"

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