{"I'm sorry"}

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"Oh honey, you aren't supposed to be here"

I feel someone gently running their fingers through my hair. There is warmness on my face and tiny itchy prickles on my skin.

The feelings are all familiar but it's like I haven't felt them in a very long time.

My eyes peel open and instantly the bright sun seeps through causing me to squint and slightly turn my head in the other direction.

The fingers leave my hair as I look around trying to figure out where the heck I am. Last I checked I was lying in the pool of my own blood.

I'm laying down on something so I sit up and look down, the itchy prickles on my skin was grass. I was lying on grass. I'm sitting on grass now.

I look down at my body noticing that I'm clothed in a white dress, just a plain loose white dress. I don't have on any shoes, but my toes are painted. They are painted white, and my skin has never looked so soft and clear. If I didn't know any better I'd say it looks perfect. Too perfect.

I glance to my left and notice there is a playground. It looks like the same one my parents used to take me to when I was little.

Wherever I am, it's completely deserted, but the green of the grass is the greenest I have ever seen and the blue of the sky and the white of the clouds are the most pigmented I've ever witnessed. Everything here is just really perfect.

Where am I?

I feel someone's fingers brush against my cheek and I instantly jerk my body and scoot away. I turn to look at whoever it is and the air instantly leaves my lungs when I see who is sitting next to me in the grass.

Long hair that always seemed like it could never pick between being dirty blonde or a very light brown. Deep brown eyes and high cheekbones. My eyes scan over her face not believing that it's actually her.


She smiles at me, her cheeks lifting up to her eyes as she reaches over and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear. My skin tingles from feeling her touch again after all these years of being deprived of it.

"Hi baby girl"

I want to cry but for some reason I can't. I just feel so overwhelmed with joy as I tackle her into a hug. She laughs wrapping her arms around me tightly and holding me close to her body.

The feeling of being in her arms is something that I never thought I'd feel again. 

I bury my head in her neck smelling her familiar scent of sweet vanilla and fresh flowers. I never understood how she could smell like two completely different things at once but I've missed it so much.

I climb into her lap not wanting to let go of her. Laying my head on her shoulder she wraps her arms around my waist and holds me like she always used to.

"Where am I?" I ask looking up at her.

"You don't remember this park?" she chuckles and I close my eyes at the sound of her airy laugh. "Your father and I took you here all the time when you were little"

"No I know where I am, I just mean..." I bite the inside of my cheek. "Am I dead?"

The thought of being dead makes me feel sad but I'm not sure how sad I can feel right now because I'm in my mothers arms again. If this is what being dead is I'm not sure that I mind it very much.

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