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" Tell my Angel and My Bubba I love them forever more."

He wrote to her everyday, itching for a response. He would look outside of his cell's window. Looking at the rain. How it's free. How he could've been free, dancing under the rain.

She finally felt free. Her two kids finally entering freshman year, 14 years after their biological father was locked up.

Until one day, he was free.

He took a deep breath, as freedom was finally his. He knew his actions had consequences, he knew he wouldn't be able to witness his two children grow up.

So he accepted his fate. I guess he'll see them in another lifetime.

But he promised himself, his children, his soulmate, that he would do better. When those cuffed locked around his thin wrist, he promised the entire courtroom a huge deal.

He promised that Kentrell Gaulden would become a better man.

*this book is not allowed to be copied in anyway shape or form. All rights reserved©*

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Book 2. Her stalker. Stay seated at all times on the ride.

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