13|Their Teacher

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I drove onto Chippewa St. I've been here plenty of times, so I automatically know my way here.

I was greeted by Kendell and his wife.

"Angel. You made it," he pulled me into a gigantic hug.

"Kendell, you are getting so much older," I said.

"And you still look young as ever." He looked over my shoulder to see his niece and nephew.

"I know y'all don't remember me at all, but y'all family. Come see ya grandmama," he said as Harlem and Amora followed.

"Now y'all gotta be patient with Sheronda. She not getting any younger, but The Devil don't got enough room down there for her," he joked. "Ma, look at ya grandbabies."

"Ohh," She said in a shakingly voice. "Harlem and Amora. Come give me a hug."

She pulled them into a tight hug. "The only thing I regret in this life, is listening to that ole Nolan girl and missing out on my grand babies life," she said. "Angel please forgive me for what I did when I was in my youth."

"Of course I forgive you, Honda. And you look good for a 87 year old," I said as she attempted to flip her thinning hair.

"I already know, girl."

Somebody hooked up their Bluetooth to a speaker, and my soulmate's voice came on. The voice that soothed me when I needed it. The voice that protected me when I needed it.

"Took out them diamonds and got white teeth," his voice boomed over the speakers.

Everybody piled out of their house to come to the center of 38 street. They started dancing to his music.

I moved away from the crowd, not feeling like dancing to his music even though I did this morning.

I felt a cool breeze lay on my neck, making me turn around.

"Stop playing with me, Kenny," I laughed.

I looked on the picnic table to see a yellow bow. I tied it to my wrist and joined the crowd to dance.

Their Teacher Where stories live. Discover now