1|Their Teacher

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2035| The supreme court Louisiana

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2035| The supreme court Louisiana

" All rise," Judge Harding said. Kentrell sat anxiously, awaiting his fate. He has been on his best behavior since he got locked up; not fighting the randoms who would taunt him, not giving mouth to the guards whenever they picked on him, simple things like that. He had his child in mind. But the state of Louisiana has been after him since he was young, so his nerves is off the chain.

" Well, Mr. Gaulden. Your records look clean for the first time in forever," the judge said, making Kentrell let out a deep laughter. He has aged since he was taken in here. More muscles, more facial hair, deeper voice, things like that. He even earned a few grey hairs in his thick dreads and mustache. He's not complaining though.

" Yeah, rare sight," Kentrell mumbled as he shifted in the uncomfortable seat. He's been to jail many times before, but he can't seem to get used to the courtroom chairs.

" He's hardly has any complaints from the guards. Except the usual ' Angel and Bubba'," the judge said, making Kentrell laugh loudly this time.

" My two worlds," he said. The judge stared him down, deciding his fate.

" Well, Mr. Gaulden. I am quite impressed by your behavior. So impressed that I'm cutting down your 20 year sentence. Congratulations, you are a free man," the judge said making Kentrell smile happily. He also got his diamond grills removed, and got his white teeth back.

" Thank you so much, Mr. Harding." The guards hesitantly uncuffed him.

" I'm not done, Mr. Gaulden. As a 35 year old black man, people are going to assume the worst about you," the judge said taking Kentrell by surprise. Although Judge Harding is an old white man, he's worked with many young black adults before. " We have to make sure you don't get profiled."

" So what? I have to do community hours?" His deep voiced boomed.

" No, of course not. It's 2035, the earth cleans itself now. But education is still a necessity to the black youth," Harding said.

" I have to be a tutor? I'm not qualified for that," Kentrell said, feeling annoyed. He finished out his anger management classes and entered himself into rehab, so his anger issues are nonexistent. Almost.

" Not a tutor, Mr. Gaulden. A part time teacher," he said making Kentrell scoff in reply.

" I dropped out in 9th grade, I can't tell a pencil from a pen," he joked.

" It's alright, Mr. Gaulden. You will be undergoing a 6-month training session. And I will tell you the assigned school you have once you are done," the judge said.

" Wait, so I will finish in 2036? Am I still a free man during those 6 months?" Kentrell asked.

" Yes to both of those questions. The sooner you start, the sooner you start," the judge said. " Go ahead and get your things out of your cell, Gaulden. And all those letters to your Angel and Bubba. You can see them now."

Kentrell thought long and hard about this. What if he's not teacher material? What if his students don't like him?

He also thought about Asteria and Harlem. The last thing she probably wants to see is him, but he gained two new tattoos of her; a pair of angel wings on back, and the initials ' A. R. H.' on his wrist. He's planning on getting some of Harlem, also.

In the back of his brain racked the memory of his daughter. Not Harlem's twin, but the one Asteria told him about that day on his court hearing.

He wanted to believe her at the moment, but he was so out of order, he couldn't think straight. He would like to see what she looks like also. If she looks like him.

" James Jr. I out of here," he said while grabbing his belongings.

" Top a free man," JJ, his cellmate, laughed. " And stop calling me that."

" Ight man," Kentrell laughed while stuffing his love letters in his bag. " I'll try to figure out something to get you out this bitch mane." Kentrell hardly cusses anymore, but that doesn't mean he won't.

" Ight, I want to meet this Angel and Bubba you been telling me about too," JJ said.

" Ight. I think she'll like you," Kentrell said. " Maybe."

And with that he was a free man. His Uber was already set outside, Mr. Harding set it up for him. Him and Mr. Harding had therapy sessions almost every month, and they almost had a similar background.

He took a deep breath, now with freedom in his hands. He glanced outside the window to see a large building, with many beautiful women coming in and out.

He searched for the building's name, it read ' Angel's Modeling Industry', making him smile.

" Angel, you did it," he said to himself.

" Where to?" The Uber driver asked.

" Go to Chippewa Street."

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