9|Their Teacher

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(A/N: y'all I named the last two chapters 'Her Stalker'. Just ignore that💀🙏🏽)

It was a pep rally today, and of course I had to be a chaperone.

"Mr.G, when will the cheerleaders go out?" Olivia asked. I had her for 3rd period.

"In ten minutes, just go in the locker rooms and practice on your jumps I guess," I said. I was clueless on the cheer stuff.

Angel walked in with Sonali, and she walked over to me.

"Long time no see, Yb. How have you been?" Sonali's baby bump stuck out.

"Waddup, Sonali. And I've been good, congrats on your pregnancy," I said while giving her a side hug.

"Thank you. Where's Amora and Harlem? I got some prizes for them." Harlem came out at the perfect timing, and he grabbed her hand to take her up to the stairs.

"Hi, Kenny. I'm about to stay down here with you and 3three." She grabbed a seat and pulled it close to me.

The cheerleaders came out with Amora and got into their cheer stance. I grabbed the mic.

"Welcome to Roman's High first Pep Rally!" The crowd cheered in response. The cheer music started and the cheerleaders got in there stance.

The crowd gasped in awe at how high the cheerleaders jumped. Angel was recording with multiple phones in her hand.

Amora's jumps and flips were awfully high, making a nervous feeling sit in my stomach, but I just brushed it off.

"Kentrell, here it comes," Angel said. Amora has been talking about this stunt since she tried out for cheer, and she was finally doing it.

She hopped onto somebody's shoulders, and threw her arms up in a high V. She leaped up, and the other cheerleaders got in position.

One of the cheerleader's bow got stuck in Amora's shoe, so the cheerleader's hair pulled her leg down.

An ear wrenching crack echoed through the gym, followed by a heart breaking screech.

I rushed over to the scene to see Amora's leg completely bent backwards. The scene was horrific.

"Call an ambulance," somebody yelled as Amora laid there in shock.

"Mr.G, what's going on? Why does my leg look like this?" She said.

"Ok, take a deep breath." She shakingly took a deep breath. "You broke your leg, the ambulance is on the way. You will be okay, Amora. I promise."

"I'm scared, Dad. I don't know how to feel." The EMT workers came in and out her on the stretcher.

"It's alright, Princess. Daddy's gonna be there in a second." I kissed her on the forehead as she exited the school.

The principal ordered everyone back to class, even though they just witnessed something traumatic.

"Mr. G, what happened to Amora? Is she gonna be okay?" Harlem asked.

"She's gonna be alright, Bubba. She broke her leg, and she's in the hospital. Your mom is about to leave and go." I tried calming him down.

"I hate hospital. Can I stay with you while Mom is gone?" He asked as tears streamed down his face.

"Of course you can, Harlem. Go wait out in the car." Some parents came up to me with a look of disgust on their face.

"Mr. Gaulden, I am utterly horrified by the actions that happened today," some lady told me.

"Ma'am it is out of my control what just happened. If you want to check-out your child, that is fine by me. If you want your child to stay here, that is also fine by me," I told her.

"No, I am going to sue the school!" She yelled as her child looked at me.

"Ma'am, please. A student just broke her leg. Please be patient with the staff here." I walked over to the check out table to mark out some names on the checklist.

"My child is traumatized by what happened today. I am surely you wouldn't want your boss to hear about this," she said as the child reached for my tie.

"Look, back the fuck up and get out of this fucking gym. This isn't about you, and I got more stuff to do than worry about ya fucking child." She gasped then walked away angrily.

I walked out to my car to see a missing Harlem.

I called out his name 5 times, and no response each time.

I saw BabyDee with his uncle, and I walked over to him.

"Aye. BabyDee, where Harlem went? You know?" I said.

"He left with some crazy lady, she said that she's his aunt," he said. A cold breeze flew over me and the sky went gray.

"Thank you, Derrick," I said and walked away.

I rushed into the hospital, and got the room number for Amora.

I walked in to see Angel coloring and Amora sleep.

"Hey, Angel. How is she?" I asked her. She looked up from her coloring book.

"She's doing good. They say she can immediately go into surgery," she said.

"Alright. I have to tell you something,though," I said.


"Nolan took Harlem, and I don't know where he is," I said as thunder clapped.

"Oh my god, what?!" She whispered-yelled.

"I got BabyJoe and Sonali to come up here and watch Amora for us. We have to find my son," I said as she got up from the love seat.

"Wait, Kentrell. I think I know where she's at." She kissed Amora goodbye and I did the same.

Their Teacher Where stories live. Discover now