how to hatch your dragon

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Kazuma was ecstatic…

Jumping around with his card held high as he marched to the guild

You might wonder why was that…

Well when they came back home after the whole ordeal with the winter shogun, kazuma realized the 1) he needed to rest for a while as even though aqua had healed him he still might get anemic , and 2) he needed to secure the dragon egg cause aqua might just sell it for booze money

So was he happy cause he had a reason to just lay in his room all day

I mean It was part of the reason

But the main reason was that he had won a jackpot

He was just glossing over his adventurers card, you know how you just open the refrigerator even though you know there’s nothing new in there, and that’s when he caught something in his kill feed

According to his card it was him who had killed the shogun…

At first he just looked at it in confusion

He didn’t kill him

I mean he did dent his helmet…but that was it

It wasn’t even a fight

He tried to think of a reason then he just shrugged , cause like if the card says he killed him, he killed him

Which meant he could claim the bounty

And If Megumin had been right,than its bounty might be around the 100 million mark

This must be karma for not selling the egg or something

So that’s what he was intending for doing as he went towards the guild , skipping like a little girl…

He dashed through guild doors like a bullet, stopping infront of a preplexed luna

He handed his card to her when she raised an eyebrow

He loved how her eye practically bulged out  as she read my kill feed…

“I will be back in a moment” she said to me as she went to contact someone

I was finally free of my debt




Darkness woke up the next day to a pretty strange sight

She had slept late last night after getting roped up in a drinking contest with aqua

She didn’t know how, but through some godly power aqua drank enough alcohol that it could kill 2 grown men

And doing so she had burned through a sizeable amount of her share of reward money…

She and Megumin had actually not asked for a share, cause well they didn’t participate in it

Atleast aqua can say she had healed kazuma

She moved towards the hall

Only to halt at the door

There were pentagrams draw on the floor

There were ominous looking black candles set alight at the corners of the pentagrams with the dragon egg placed between them all with kazuma chanting something In some weird Language

Kazuma was wearing a black robe with a hood that covered his head

She bolted towards aqua’s room and barged In without knocking

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