Ch. 12 - Waiting for Fate

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Mirai had returned to the Lookout to inform Piccolo, Tien, Bulma, and Gonan about what had happened. Before long, Bulma had left to return home to Capsule Corp., now somewhat excited to be able to look at and hopefully try to fix one of Gero's androids.

Night had begun to fall as Mirai sat at the edge of the Lookout, staring out at the sight before her. The sky had an array of colors strewn across it, the clouds below the Lookout taking on a yellow-ish color as the sun had been setting.

How long had it been since she had looked at the sun set? She couldn't remember.

Looking down at the clouds, she vaguely remembered when her father would take her and her brother out on flying trips, souring through the skies on the Flying Nimbus. The yellow color the clouds took reminded her of the speedy cloud her father had. Those times were so long ago, it was almost hard to remember. Almost.

In fact, that old life of hers seemed surreal now after everything she had gone through ever since she was only four and a half. It hadn't been something she had liked realizing. Her entire life, she had been fighting for her life, as well as for other's lives. Thankfully, she at least had some time in between that where sometimes peaceful, at least before the androids showed up. It didn't take long to realize that she would be fighting for the rest of her life.

The best that she could hope for was that she could at least take the androids down with her.

"Hey," Piccolo's gruff voice sounded from behind her. She looked up to see him towering over herself, "You should get some rest, Mr. Popo has some rooms prepared already. Your younger self has already gone to bed."

"Oh," Mirai lowered her gaze to look back out at the view before her, noticing that the sun had finally gotten lost beneath the clouds fully. "I guess so... But we have to keep watch of the TV for Cell."

"I'll keep an eye on it. Besides, the TV isn't out there in the clouds. C'mon, you should be well rested when it's your time to train."

Mirai hummed in response, considering the rest. As much as she hadn't really wanted to sleep, she knew that her friends wouldn't let her refuse. "Fine."

Pulling herself up to stand, she began to walk towards the building upon the Lookout. After asking Mr. Popo to show her the way to one of the quest rooms, she allowed herself to drop onto the bed in the corner of the room. She sunk into the mattress far more than she had thought she would've, not expecting the bed to be that soft. It was weird, something she wasn't used to after so many years staying at a cave.

Though, at the very least, she was a little more used to a softer bed thanks to Bulma taking her in after Gohan had died.

Frowning at the thought, Mirai twisted to lay on her back, leaving her to stare up at the ceiling.

After letting out a huff, Mirai closed her eye as she muttered to herself, "Just get some rest, Gonan..."

It took a while, but she still managed to get herself to sleep.

Opening her eyes, she found herself sitting at the edge of a high place once more, though definitely not as high as she had been on the Lookout. Looking out before her, she saw a city left in ruins, smoke still bellowing out from the embers the androids must've left. She frowned at the familiar sight.

Deciding to check the city for any survivors, she lifted herself off the mountain she sat upon and flew out towards the city, scanning the area as she entered. She lightly floated herself down to the ground to walk along the streets, knowing it would be easier to find survivors if she were down to see or hear them.

"Gonan." a familiar voice called out to her.

Mirai looked to the voice to look at the man who the voice belonged to. A small smile forced itself onto her face from her own will.

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