Chapter 16: Banishment

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That night, Marvin slept peacefully. There were no thoughts of his, he slept so peacefully and completely. I wondered, who really is the human I rescued. It was almost like there were two persons inside him, but they were so hard to tell apart. One was a killer, an excellent soldier; while the other was so friendly and helpful, you wouldn't think "killer" would come up to describe him. His mind was still a mystery to me. But at least he was safe.
He slept through the gongs that signaled the beginning of classes. Thankfully, I didn't have to attend right now.
"Come on Moon! Don't you want to see how things have changed since you left?" Kinkajou was already up.
Qibli grumbled, still trying to sleep a little while longer. "We already have. You showed us around remember?"
"Oh, right. We can tell the teachers more about what you guys saw! Dragons with FOUR wings? Like, Super-fast-plant-growing-ability? That sounds AWESOME!"
Qibli just chuckled.
Marvin stirred, and I felt his groggy mind try and shake him awake. But once he saw that he wasn't at camp, he managed to wake himself so quickly and completely that he startled me. Then the memories about what happened last night came flooding back. All of this, before he even got out of his bed.
"Are we at Jade Mountain?" He asked, alert now and looking around.
"Yes. You're here, safe." I smiled at him.
He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Yawning. "How long have I been out?"
"Quite a while. Classes are about to start."
Sitting up, he found himself cold. He put his claws into the nooks of his arms, an interesting way of keeping warm.
"So. First of all, thank you guys for letting me stay the night."
"No problem." Kinkajou cheerfully answered.
"Secondly, what's going to be the plan?"
I thought it over for a second, but then Qibli answered.
"We should probably go talk with Sunny and the other founders, but they won't be available for a while."
Suddenly, there was a soft rumble. A gnawing hunger passed through our mind link, and Marvin looked to have shrunken a bit when he saw I knew.
"Whhhhyyyyy don't we stop by the Prey Center, and get Marvin some food in the meantime."
"Of course." Qibli agreed.
"Hey! This was just like you did with Bandit Winter's scavenger!" Kinkajou exclaimed!
"Yeah, that's... without Moon getting her face clawed off." Qibli laughed.
I giggled. Yeah, that did happen. Not the clawing of faces... never mind.
Climb on. We'll take you there.
He nodded, crawling his way onto me again.
"I never noticed it before, but you have a splint on your leg Marvin, is it damaged?" Qibli asked.
"It's not insane if that's what you're asking."
Ooh, burn.
Qibli just laughed.
"But, yeah, I injured myself during the plane crash. Jimmy — the pilot and the only medic we have —he reset it, but I'm still wearing this so I can walk."
"It doesn't look like it's doing a good job at it though." He was liked up to inspect it.
"Yeah, it's a real pain to keep it from slipping."
"Ah hah." Qibli nodded. I knew that face.
"So I guess I can get to know more about Jade Mountain. What's it all about?" Marvin continued.
"It's a school where dragons from all tribes can learn and get to know each other!" Kinkajou said cheerfully, bounding ahead.
"We'll have to tell Clay, Tsunami, Sunny, and Starflight about the situation with Marvin," Qibli whispered to me. "But we can't tell them now. Not in the middle of classes."
I just nodded. As slowly and carefully as I could. Feeling the new weight on my neck.
"I'm awake Moon." I heard Marvin mumble. I tried to hide a smirk, Qibli laughed.
"We're here!" Kinkajou sung.
To be honest, I already knew. I felt the wave of voices fall onto me. The Prey Center. Thankfully, not a lot of people were here because it was class time, but I still had to drown out the voices. Imagining the rain, letting each thought enter a raindrop, and fall away. The soft noise drowned out the voices. But I still felt something. I looked back and saw Marvin, one claw still holding on, but the other was grasping his head. I could feel a slight headache coming from him, but it wasn't as bad as it was for me. It's almost like he was used to managing all these different voices and things around him. But it still hurt to have to do this for a long time.
Try imagining rain.
Rain? I'm not gonna make it rain, am I?
I smirked, rolling my eyes a little.
No, put their thoughts into the raindrops and let them fall. It'll stop you from hearing all their thoughts.
I felt Marvin doubt that for a minute, but he shrugged and tried it anyway.
Couldn't hurt.
He gathered the various voices coming towards him and bundled them up with a surprising amount of care, before letting them fall away, taking the headache with it.
You're very meticulous.
To a fault Moon. But I guess that's how I make and keep good friends.
He laughed, and so did I. We finally turned into the Prey Center. There were a few dragons still here, but it was a lot less crowded.
Less minds, less stress.
Kinkajou bounded over to the fruit pile, Qibli sought out the corral, while Winter found his spot on an elevated bolder.
"So, Marvin. What do you eat?"
"Almost anything. I'll eat anything I can get my hands on. I might not like everything, but I'll try it."
"Okay. What would you like?"
Ha sat up, taking a look around. He mumbled to himself.
"Fruits. Meat. No, I'll have to cook that. I do have a flint and steel though." Maybe I could get one of the dragons to cook it?
"Gladly," I answered. I heard him chuckle.
"Let's start with the fruit. Something that doesn't take a lot of effort."
While I wasn't particularly fond of his reason, I obliged. Walking up to Kinkajou. She instantly recognized us.
Moon! Marvin! They're here! They must really want fruit. I don't know which I should give them. They all taste AWESOME! Maybe I should give him the mango first.
"Sure! I'm fine with mango."
I was startled to realize that Kinkajou had taken off her Skyfire pouch. But once she heard Marvin's comment, she grappled with it, and again, her cheerful thoughts were shrouded by the continuous hum. I heaved for a second, I missed her already.
"I'm really tired of people doing that to me!" She said angrily.
"Sorry. Couldn't help it."
"That's what Moon told me." A few spots of red flashed on her scales, but she quickly went back to being her raspberry and gold self when Marvin slid down.
"Jesus! These things are huge!"
I had to stop myself again, Marvin wasn't from here. I saw in his thoughts that the mangos he knew were only about the size of his claws. I stifled my laughter as I saw him stare in wonder.
"I think I'll start with a plain old banana."
"Good choice!" Coconut commented, walking up. Kinkajou scoffed.
"Come on Coconut. You're always in the wrong place. Class is going on right now."
Coconut, his mouth covered in a fruity mess, only looked up confusingly.
"Is it?"
Kinkajou sighed.
"See, this is why he didn't even notice I was gone at the volcano."
"You're still talking about that? I thought I apologized."
"Yeah, and then you keep acting like I'm not even here."
"Should I be here for this?" Marvin looked up at me, standing up with a half-peeled banana almost the size of him.
Don't worry, he'll leave in a minute.
"You're right. I should head to class. See you later!"
"You can't even remember my name!"
With that, Coconut ran out and down the hall.
"Sheesh. He's someone." Marvin remarked
"You're telling me."
Kinkajou shifted her scales back to her colorful self, walking up to Marvin.
"That's... an interesting way of eating a banana."
"What else can I do?"
I saw in his thoughts him eating a banana so small, he could hold it in one hand. But now, he used an extremely small knife to carve out chunks so he could eat them.
"So yeah, I don't think I'll be able to finish this myself. Do you want to share Kinkajou? Hope I pronounced that right."
"Umm. That's actually a little big for me too."
"You want some Moon?" He offered it to me.
Umm maybe. I haven't had a banana in a long time.
"Then go right ahead."
I walked up, grabbing the banana. Taking a large bite out of it. The sweet and soft fruit. It reminded me a lot of the jungle, the jungle I grew up in. The jungle that my Mommy had to leave me. I didn't notice a tear gathering in my eye. I did notice Marvin climbing up to wipe it away.
"I know. I've seen it too many times before. Acknowledge your roots, but don't let them hold you down. They're your foundation, so build upon them, like you have already."
The thought hit me as if I was punched in the face by a Mudwing. Foundation. My Mother hid me away so I could be healthier than all the Nightwings. So that I wouldn't have to live on a terrible island with a smoking volcano. She raised me in the jungle so that I could be better. Build on that foundation. I attended Jade Mountain Academy, I learned to read and write. I probably know more about other tribes than the rest of my tribe. Aside from Starflight and the others of course. But... but...
"Easy Moon. I've been around, and I can see someone who will do the right thing when I see one. You already have. You're doing good Moon."
"Thank you." I sniffled, nearly setting Marvin's furs on fire.
"Okay. Thanks for the snacks Kinkajou, it was really... enlightening."
The little RainWing seemed to be washed over with gold.
"Thank you. All these fruits were gathered from the Rainforest, and they are AMAZING! If you want more, I could probably go out and get you some."
"No thanks. But thank you for the offer."
"Anytime!" She said, bounding up to Marvin. He almost looked like he was about to pet her, but she got up and raced down the hall. Marvin just walked up to me.
"She really is someone. Maybe the term was invented just for her."
I tried to stifle my laughter. Suddenly, I heard two gongs, which meant class was over for now.
"Great. We can finally talk to the founders about our little predicament." Qibli said with a mouthful of food. I just nodded, following him out the hall.
I was first met with a hundred different voices, all talking on top of one another. I thought of rain, letting them fade away. But for some reason, I still heard them prominently, just without any pain and I could ignore them. Wait, it was from Marvin. He was still listening to them?
Why? Doesn't it cause a big headache? You could go insane.
I'm already insane Moon. Plus, why not glean any extra information while I still have the chance?
While I wasn't too fond of using my abilities for those reasons, Marvin was learning as he went. And I could see that he would do every single good action he could. While the voices were present, they were faint and did not pain me.
Woah, a scavenger.
I hate this class. I want to go draw something instead.
WOW! I love class SO MUCH! I can't believe dragons didn't have classes before!
I'm hungry. Maybe I could sneak into the Prey Center.
I can't wait, art class is next!
I need to talk to Flame about Tulip, I think she has a crush on me.
All the dragonets went about their business, staying clear of me and Marvin. Barely acknowledging we were there.
Maybe this is how Turtle feels.
Then Turtle is a very good intelligence gatherer.
He's actually a lot more things than that.
Really? Like what?
I tried not to think of Turtle's powers, being an animus and Seawing royalty.
Really? Turtle? A prince and an animus? I really need to make amends with that guy.
I couldn't hide a giggle.
Finally, we reached the library. A few familiar minds were already present, the former Dragonets Of Destiny, and Peril. Her mind was a lot calmer when she was with Clay, but it still made me feel really warm.
"There's Peril," Marvin mumbled as we turned into the Library. The rest of my Winglet was gathered here as well. They all looked serious, even Kinkajou. I stopped, letting Marvin slide down.
"Oh good, he's here." Maybe he could tell us why there's a new scavenger den. And explain the dry thunder we heard all last night. The blue SeaWing raised her head.
"I'll get to that, Tsunami, if that's what your name is, right?"
She shook herself.
At least you TRIED to seem respectful.
"I'll take that as a compliment."
Tsunami didn't have much of a chance to react before Sunny stated.
"Wait a minute. Didn't you have some friends with you last time?"
Marvin hung my head and sighed. The rest of us only looked on, the weight of the situation bearing down on us.
"So, to start, we have encountered the enemy."
"Where! I'll tear them limb from limb!" Tsunami looked around, flaring her wings, ready to fight.
She's much of a fighter.
Yeah, don't get on her bad side.
Marvin hid his laughter but let me hear it.
"It's okay. They're gone, we scattered them. We attacked them last night. A complete rout, we drove them out to sea."
He paused for a moment.
"But..." Clay tried to begin.
"But because of my actions, despite a resounding victory with no casualties... I-"
"You were banished," Winter said coldly.
Qibli shot him an evil eye.
"What? It's true."
"Is it?" Sunny walked over towards him.
He just kept his head down until he gathered his thoughts together.
Marvin sighed. "Yes, unfortunately, it is true. I am but one soldier now. I'm as good as dead."
We were all silent. Marvin stumbled back, taking a seat on my claws. He tried to fight back tears, but he could barely help it.
I'm a soldier in a land without a war. Surrounded by dragons who only see me as prey. I'm low on supplies, I couldn't fight back even if I tried. I'm as good as dead now.
"Stop it." I moved my claws, forcing him to stand up. "I can't stand to see you mope around like that."
He sniffed. "Then what am I useful for? Other than some intel about the war and where I come from, there's nothing for me here."
My eyes met Qibli, but he only shook his head.
"I've done everything right! I've made it this far haven't I? I just want a win I can walk away from! I-I-I..."
Marvin gasped for air. All of a sudden, going really soft. He looked, misty-eyed, at the map... then at me.
"I just wanna go home."

I waited outside the hall with Marvin, letting the founders talk amongst themselves. Although we both knew we could still hear them. The rest of my Winglet stayed with them. Marvin was curled up alongside me, I tried covering him with my wing to comfort him.
"T-thanks Moon."
I said nothing, just looking down to watch over him. Also listening to their conversation.
"We can't keep him here. He's a danger to all of us."
"If he stays here, he might just drag whatever war he's a part of onto us."
"But he's tired, scared, alone. He just wants to go home."
"But where's home? I'm all for helping him, but we can't do anything if we don't know."
"He doesn't know. They've been through every map here, and they still can't find where they are."
"So they're stuck here. They can come to us, but we can't go to them. Ugh, this is worse than Pantalla."
"Hey. At least we can help. So what can we do for Marvin now?"
A silence fell among them. A few mixed thoughts.
"We could try and help them."
"Which ones? The den who banished Marvin, or him?"
"I don't think he was banished because they didn't like him."
"He had that look on him. Like he was banished for holding a secret."
My wings shivered, as did Marvin.
I don't know Moon. Should I tell them? How they deserted me because they figured out I can mindread?
Maybe. It'll be easier if you break the news to them. They won't hurt you, you're just like me.
Marvin scoffed in a non-insulting manner.
In some ways. I wish I could fly though.
I couldn't hide a smile. I guided him back into the library. We had missed the last few minutes of the conversation, but they all hushed when they saw us come back. Marvin walked ahead, now with a more upright stance, keeping his head high.
"All of you... dragons.... have all been good to me. And I wish to be the same. But as of the present circumstances, I have not revealed the whole truth to anyone besides my own unit. That truth being.... that... I may have precognition, and mind reading abilities."
"What?" Tsunami yelled.
"How? I thought only dragons could have those abilities?" Starflight said, confused.
"That's what I thought," I said. "And yet... here I am."
The founders looked at each other, exchanging glances.
Marvin stepped back towards me.
How much of a chance do you think they'll throw me out?
Not likely. If anything, they'll take you to Sanctuary.
Sanctuary? What's that?
A town built where scavengers- humans, can live peacefully amongst other dragons.
That sound like a nice place. Almost like my hometown.
His thought was cut off once Sunny stepped forward.
"Hey, Marvin?"
"Sunny. Right?" He nodded.
"Yes, my name is Sunny. I understand what happened to you, and it shouldn't have. We can offer you a place to stay here, or you can try and go to Sanctuary."
Marvin nodded.
"If I may. Could I have the day to think about it?"
"Of course!"
"You are free to stay as long as you'd like." Clay chimed in.
As long as you don't cause any trouble. Tsunami thought with a grumble. Marvin chuckled.
"I'll try. But trouble somehow has a way of finding me."
She snorted.
"In the meantime. Do you think I could learn more about you? This is all new and exciting information, I'd love to get it written down."
"And we'll help." Said Fatespeaker, listening behind him but covered by shadows.
"Okay. So that settles it. I'll stay here for a little while longer, at least until I gain a further course of action." He turned back towards the founders, clasping both his claws.
"And I would like to express my thanks once more for your hospitality. I promise I will do everything in my power to support you. Thank you." As he turned back, he suddenly lost his balance on he rough rock.
He fell.
I felt my eyes widen as I watched in slow motion. Peril, who was standing nearby, shrieked and tried to move away. But Marvin stuck his hands out to break his fall, landing directly on Peril's tail.

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