Chapter 19: Allies On The Axis

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I paced the room. All these things whirling inside my head like a tornado, impossible to single out ideas to make them out. My squad, their situation, my situation, that Grace and Qibli did something so blatenly dangerous. I couldn't. I just couldn't.
"So you're telling me... that both Goldman and Travers have animus abilities?" I looked up at them, finally taking my hands down from the splitting migraine I had.
The two dragons looked at each other.
"Oh dear Lord." I sighed.
Now they are the most powerful military unit, maybe ever. Nothing is safe, not even with what little I know about animus magic.
Okay, what's the first thing they would do? They would... probably try to cast a spell to end the war and go home. Maybe kill off all the Japanese, or open a portal or something to go home. Maybe something more short-sighted. Maybe an infinite supply box, or an endless magazine?
"Ugh, this makes my brain hurt."
I noticed Moon was gripping her temples as well, as I put my hand put up to my mouth.
"Sorry. But you're right. Travers wants to see me, he'll probably want to talk all this over." But then the realization hit me. "Oh crap, he already has. The entire camp knows?" I looked frantically cover to Moon.
"Yeah, it looks like it."
"Uhhhh," I mumbled. Putting myself in their situation.  "Kish would probably keep the two in reserve, not risk getting them killed. Travers would be fine with that, but Goldman..."
"What about him?" Qibli asked.
Something cold drew over me, like a southbound wind blew in a cold front.
"He'd probably make himself invincible, immortal, undamageable, or something like that. He'd definitely want to stay in the front, that's one of the first things I would think about if I were him. He's rare, he's useful but fragile, why not make himself invincible to solve that problem?"
I noticed Moon's eyes widen.
Maybe he really does know what he is feeling... because he's like him.
I shivered. "In some ways Moon. Definitely not in every. And especially not when it comes to keeping my friends safe."
I turned to Qibli.
"Do the um ..." I motioned my finger at the hall. "Do the principals know?"
"The founders?" He canted his head toward me. "I told them that there is a way larger danger with your camp. They want to call in a RainWing army to scout it out. Maybe worse."
Probably worse. They'll put up a fight. I sighed, hanging my head. "This is probably a bad idea, but I'm gonna need to talk to Turtle before I talk with them. I need to know everything there is to know about animus magic. If it's as powerful as I think it is... shit's about to get real. Come on"
I started down the hall, running properly for the first time since before we touched down on this... I can't even say God-forsaken place. This island was like Eden. So much flora, amazing creatures that lived in peace... at least, until we discovered it.
I shook away that thought. Lives were at risk, the tally count grew with every passing second, so we had to move quickly. Late action is inaction. Following my own mental map, and maps plastered around the caves, I found my way to Turtle's cave. Coming in hot.
Trying to slide, not realizing the cave rock floor was way rougher than I expected. My boot caught a pebble, botched me, and nearly caused me to do a summersault. I barely managed to recover, and throw open the door to his cave.
I found the sea foam green dragon, on his bedding, but facing away from me. Something was off about him. Something was wrong. I went silent, stepping quietly toward him. I held my hand over my pistol, prepared to engage should he become a threat.
Please don't be enchanted by Goldman.
I circled around him, so I could see from his side what he was doing. He seemed to be looking at his claws. I got a feeling he felt as if they were not his. Like I did... once I realized all the powers I had.
"Turtle?" I asked, piercing the silence of the cave.
"They're back." His low voice shook. He looked up at me. "My powers. My animus powers... they're back."
I froze. His eyes were full of fear and confusion. It paralyzed me.
Moon and Qibli made their way inside. Turtle turned to face them, still looking at his claws. They stopped short off the door, spotting the both of us.
Turtle gulped, before saying, "Scroll, come to me."
I looked behind Qibli. One of the scrolls shuddered, before rising slowly into the air. It shot towards Turtle, landing in his empty claw/hand. He started down at the rolled parchment, gasping in disbelief.
"You got your powers back. That's amazing! Three Moons! That's great!" Qibli exclaimed to the whole world.
Moon just walked up to Turtle.
"Are you okay?" She gently offered.
Turtle seemed to shake his talons, shaking away evil thoughts.
"Yeah. I'm fine. What did Marvin want?" He asked, turning to meet me.
I sighed in relief. He was still a friend.
"I need your help Turtle. Maybe more so now. I have two confirmed cases of animus magic," I took a sharp breath, "in my squad."

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