Chapter 28: No Hopeless Soul

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Marvin didn't waste any time. It was incredible how much he changed over the course of a few moments.
A song, a hug, and then he was surrounded by friends. All his sorrow, most of his pain, was washed away. He organized the last of the supplies he needed, while I found the rest of my winglet. Kinkajou was especially excited.
"I couldn't even imagine I would get to carry someone with animus powers!"
Turtle seemed to shy away from that comment. Whispering to me.
"Do you think we'll be okay? I mean... with everything Goldman has tried to do-"
"He's got it. If anything, Goldman stands no chance against Marvin's Airborne." Even Peril agreed.
"The only problem I see is getting everyone back. Eleven humans for the five of us."
"Six of us," Marvin said, walking out with a new aura around him. His mind was happy. "Peril. I know your father put a spell on you to remove your fire scales."
She huffed a plume of smoke.
"I'm... asking if I could do a limited version of that. Only where I am, will your fire scales be... turned off? So we don't overburden the others."
Peril seemed to think about it.
I don't know, I don't trust animus magic anymore.
"I know. Can you trust me though? I've made sure of it. I trust the guy."
Peril looked at him side-eyed, then looked at me. I just nodded and motioned to him in approval.
"Ooookayyyy. Fine."
"Thank you Peril."
"Don't make me regret it, or I'll roll in your ashes."
Marvin frowned.
I'm not sure what to think of that. "Okay. I won't."
Peril tentatively lowered herself to the ground, as Marvin hesitated before climbing on. I noticed Peril's scales turn slightly duller where Marvin was.
Heh. It tickles.
"Looks like Travers' spell worked. You can't hurt me if your fire scales are deactivated where I am."
"That means you can ride me?"
"Yup. Save the others some weight. Again, thanks Peril."
Eventually, once everyone was ready, we all gathered our soldiers. Sergeant Kish and McManis rode with me, while Qibli had the doctor Jimmy and Hastings.
"Thanks again for ferrying us, Moon!" Kish patted me on the back.
"No problem!" Actually. You guys are kind of heavy.
"Moon says y'all need to lay off the rations a bit!" Came Marvin's voice.
"Oh, so that's what we get?"
I hung my head and blushed, flying on. Qibli came flying up to me, nearly touching wingtips.
"How are you doing Moon?"
"Fine. How about you?"
You could notice he was staring a bit as well. Carrying one human was okay for us, but carrying two with all the stuff they were carrying?
"If you guys need to land, we can!"
"It's not like you guys aren't SkyWings as well."
Says the firescales SkyWing who only has to carry Marvin.
"Hey! We have to make do and mend! I'm sorry, but I did my best to spread out the weight where I could." It could've been worse. We could've tripled up, and you know how much stuff I carry alone.
"Right. Sorry."
Everyone rolled their eyes and kept on flying. I watched the scenery roll underneath us, until Kish and McManis started talking.
"Hey, Chris."
"What, Roger?"
"You've been with Marvin the longest now. What kinds of tips and tricks should I know? Talk softly, so they can't hear us."
Oh, I can definitely hear you.
"Well... Marvin's very determined, honest, sensitive to others. Not just because of his abilities."
"Yeah, I kind of picked those up. But what are some deeper things?"
McManis pondered a moment.
"He like trains."
"Really? I think he did mention the railroad by his house once."
"Southern Pacific Kish! The Él Camino Real runs right next to Gonzales!" Marvin nearly startled Kish off me.
"Jesus Christ Marvin!"
"Oh right, another thing you should know about Marvin. You can't keep secrets from him, even before he got his abilities."
Half the squad was cracking up.
One thing I noticed, was Turtle lagging behind with Travers and Gosling. I slowed down to fly alongside him.
"Are you doing alright Turtle?"
"He's exerting himself a bit," Travers commented.
"I'm... fine." He said between breaths and wingbeats. Now Peril and Marvin swung around, careful to keep a safe distance.
"Everyone doing alright? Turtle?"
"I'm doing... okay... Marvin."
I'm not convinced. "All units, this is 1-1, match pace with Turtle. Out." Marvin called out on the radio, repeating with his voice. Everyone hung back with Turtle. Even Peril, who was already annoyed we were being slow, and now had to slow down for Turtle
Just like last time. Don't SeaWings have any stamina?
"They probably do; when they're not carrying at least 150 pounds extra.."
"Oy! You're not calling us fat are you?"
"Why I aught'a"
"Easy Gossing."
I heard Marvin stifle a chuckle.
How ironic. Travers shushing Gossing.
But Turtle still looked over towards Marvin and Peril. He was busy scanning over our flight,  completely missing Turtle's mouthing. Qibli noticed though.
"Thank you, Marvin. My wings were beginning to ache a little."
"No problem."
And just like that, something switched.
"Marvin really does a lot more than he has to, doesn't he?" Kinkajou commented. I felt a warmth flash up from Marvin, but he stayed quiet. "I mean, leading his men, saving us, saving the city. He really has done a lot."
"Reminds me of a few people I know." Qibli zoomed over to me.
"Yeah. Marvin has taken up more duties than any other officer I've seen. What? Diplomat, designated marksman, on top of being squad lead and even being in charge of base operations!"
"You know, if you need help Marvin, that's what I'm here for," Kish said.
I know. "Thank you, Kish."
He smiled and nodded.
"Same here. You're as loyal as any Outclaw, even me. If you need anything. Anything at all." Qibli smiled.
"I must say, either your bravery or stupidity is inspiring," Winter grumbled.
Marvin half choked on his spit laughing, some of his men were laughing as well.
"I just like him. I like all of them." Kinkajou commented. A faint warmth fell over the entire squad, even Wesley and Reed on Winter. Marvin hung his head over Peril.
This is what I mean. What did I ever do to deserve any of this?
I flew up next to Peril, surprising her that I was so close. I felt the heat of her wingtips.
"You deserve this because you're a good person," I spoke over to him.
"Oh, this again?" McManis rolled his eyes
"Marvin, you have to stop doubting yourself!" Kish yelled out.
"Moon's right. Marvin, you're a good person, somehow still, despite a world war. You're doubting yourself for what? You're the single person here who has flown the most missions, the most Champaigns, and you've survived all of them. You're a damn good soldier Marvin, you need to know that."
"I do... but..." Marvin spoke softly.
"But what?" McManis called out.
But... I'm a terrible person. I've killed people, I turned a blind eye to the bastards who kill civilians. I'm guilty by sin of omission to those things. I have these friends, a family I don't deserve. W-why? After all the things I've done?
His sadness threatened to come back, I could feel it creeping up my back. Suddenly, I remembered. His radiant happiness. His inner peace. Where did he get that from?
"You could probably pin half a dozen war crimes to me, McManus. I don't deserve you, I don't deserve any of you. I'm a lost cause in the long run."
"No, you aren't," I yelled to him. Everyone skipped a beat. "I know you think you can't be redeemed. Even though some of your actions may be bad, look at everything you did here! You rescued your squad twice, saved dozens of dragonettes, and saved an entire city of Scavengers from Goldman. And Goldman. You say you are bad, but you still have hope for Goldman, you still want to help him. To save him? There is no one else here who wants to do that."
Marvin looked around, and I knew his men were shaking their heads.
"Now I don't know a lot about your religion or the human on your crucifix, but I think he would still like you, even for the bad things you may have done."
Marvin took a deep breath, thinking about it. I felt that warmth begin to seep in again.
You're right. Jesus forgives. You just have to ask for forgiveness. And that's the hardest part. "Moon. I'm sorry."
I shook my head, confused. "For what?"
He chuckled. "For putting you through this. I'm willing to bet you think I'm such a bad person for trying to hide all of this."
"No. Not at all. Another dragon told me once... that the smartest dragons are often the most insecure, because they think they're worse than everyone else. But that's not true. You... you don't think like them." Like Qibli.
"I guess that's pretty true. And yeah, exactly like Qibli."
"What about me?" He came flying up.
"Oh. Moon just called you smart and a good person."
"Oh. I knew that."
Kish, Travers, and McManus suddenly burst out laughing, everyone else soon followed.
But I guess you're right Moon. With Grace, the undeserving kind, the kind you've shown me, I guess there is no such thing as a hopeless soul. "No hopeless soul," Marvin mumbled with a smile. He looked down over the countryside, he smiled just at the sight of the mountains and the trees. He shifted on Peril, drawing his pack out. He opened the small basket, checking on the egg again. A wave of warmth met me, Marvin smiled. He was truly caring for this egg. It was as if he hatched it himself. He was willing to die for it, like he was for everyone here.
You don't have to care for it alone.
Marvin closed the basket.
I know. But I don't want to disturb you guys any more than I have to.
You don't have to do this alone. My winglet is with you. I'm with you.
I heard Marvin chuckle.
I know you're as dedicated as I am to this egg. Maybe we could care for it together?
The thought washed over me.
Me? Us?
I mean, if you want to. I'm taking care of it regardless.
I shook my head.
No. I'm with you. If we work together, if we have each other, we can stop Goldman, we can save this egg.
Marvin nodded slowly. His thoughts stopped being on the lookout, watching for unseen dangers. For just a moment, the only thing he thought about was a little life entrusted to him.
I have spent my life taking, taking, taking, it's about time I give something back to the world.

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