Chapter 27: Proofing

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No soldier, without a frozen heart, ever slept soundly. As did I.
I failed yesterday. My one job: to get everyone home.
I have failed before, but none on a scale like this. Two thousand people. Out of a town of at least a hundred thousand; two thousand, one hundred and sixty-nine souls... perished or extinguished. Their bodies confined to death... or slavery.
Images of Tunisia, Kasserine Pass. My first command. That big, blood-red one.
We were ordered to march through. There was no cover in the valley. They appeared on the mountains, firing into us like a turkey shoot. Our tanks, blown up instantly. Fire, flames, everywhere. I lost my rifle. The world swirling around me. I could taste the dust, gasoline smoke. Burning rubber, and flesh.
I turned. There was Staff Sergeant Peter. My old squad lead. The man whose job I was supposed to replace, and whom I took orders.
"We need to retreat!"
"Retreat?" I mumbled, still confused.
"Yes! We need to get our asses out of here!"
His shout was cut short. A kraut sniper shot straight through his neck, blowing it open. He collapsed where he stood.
I remember taking a shaky breath, smelling his foul breath for the last time. The ringing burned into my ears. I saw boys, cowering behind rocks barely the size of them. Clutching crosses, tears in their eyes, their groins damp. I shouted something inaudible, motioning them to fall back. I ran, looking back over at them. A saw a machine gun tear them down.
Beams of green tracers cut through our line. They cut through them all. My men fell, there were no screams. I collapsed in front of our tank. I huddled there, covering my head as explosions blasted around me. I saw men behind us, fighting their way forward. We had taken the worst of the ambush. But my men, dead.
Lukas, he always had lollipops.
Mike, the bachelor.
Peter. My friend, he wanted me to be an NCO. He knew I could be trusted. But I feel the light fade out in their eyes when I see them now in my memories.
They were dead, truly dead. I would never see them again. I would never be in their warm presence again. Never again. Never again.
I was startled by harsh knocking on my door. I drew my pistol, trying to wipe away half-dried tears and crusty snot from my nose.
"What do you want?"
"Dragon requesting your presence Lieutenant!" Came Gosling's voice from the other side of the door.
"I'll be right out!"
I felt him make a short salute, then run off. I got up over to the sink, freshened myself up with a bucket. I dried off, slipping on my hard uniform, my jacket. I opened the door to my room, making my way back down. Towne was coming up the stairs but hugged the wall when he spotted me, I did the same. We nodded and acknowledged each other. There was a portion of the stairs that was not boarded up for protection, and I could see into the large room underneath. There was Moon and Qibli. Moon sat up as soon as she saw me.
"Moon! Qibli! When did you get here?"
Early last night. A mind said. A huge rage suddenly engulfed me.
Kish, McManis, Qibli, and Moon all started on in fear. Even I realized what I did. I called Mr. Sweeps to clear my mind. But my heart kept dumping things into my head.
"Forgive me. But what are you guys doing here?"
"We went back to the Invincible City, and found this."
Qibli pointed to a small pile of bedrolls and blankets.
I walked over. It was a tall pile, this wasn't just clothing. I lifted up the blanket, I touched something that shocked me.
I froze, my eyes wide. There, covered in blankets, was a white dragon egg.
"Goldman's egg."
"That's right. Moon brought it in last night."
I covered it back up, keeping it warm.
"Goldman has already shown he is willing to kill civilians to get what he wants. He single-handedly wiped out The Invincible City. Now he's looking at Sanctuary."
"He didn't see me. I swear, he doesn't know." Moon pleaded.
"He's an animus. He could literally will the information to come to him. He probably knows right now." We need to move. Either move or dig in. Goldman will be coming for this egg. This is a hinge pin in his plan. Many lives are in danger. Everyone in Sanctuary is in danger with this egg.
Suddenly, I was grasped by McManis. An audible slap rang out across the room, a sharp sting engulfed my cheek. I withdrew my pistol, shaking, pointing it at him. McManis turned.
"Are you really 'gonna fucking shoot me, Lieutenant? In front of the kid?"
Everyone stood still, everyone held their breath. I closed my eyes, the tears came again. I let my pistol down easy. I broke down in front of them. Tears came, for reasons unknown, I couldn't stop them.
I cried.
I cried until a puddle formed in front of me. I knelt before the egg, its blurry shape and pure white color.
This little guy was innocent, and he was in the presence of killers. He was in the presence of me, a failure.
"Marvin. You're not a failure."
"Moon. Don't." McManis stopped her.
"You don't think so?" I tried standing up, looking back over to them.
"26 men... have died under my command. Yes, I counted. Operation Neptune, Market, Garden, Husky, Varsity. My army days. Kasserine Pass-"
"Kasserine Pass?" Wait a minute!
McManis stood and threw away the stool he sat on. He walked up to me, grabbing me by my collar. His mind swirled around a single event. One that I remembered all too well.
"What about it?" Kish asked. McManis swung around to him.
"Kasserine pass was where I lost my brother."
An icy cold ran up and down me. McManis turned back to me.
"He was supposed to be in the head of the attack, with the 1st Infantry-"
"2nd battalion, 3rd platoon?"
McManis stared at me, nodding.
"Marvin?" Moon squeaked.
"What was his name?" I couldn't help but ask.
McManis spoke softly.
"Staff Sergeant Peter Cambell."
The world seemed to fade away from me. All emotions, everything.
"He... was my squad leader."
"WHAT!" McManis pinned me against the wall, holding me up with sickening strength.
"YOU were with MY BROTHER!"
"McManis! Stand down!"
Kish raised his rifle at him. McManis looked over and saw him, he let me down to breathe, but he kept me pinned.
"What did you do Marvin? WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY BROTHER?"
I set my hand on his forehead, closed my eyes, and transferred my memory to him. He stumbled back onto his arse. Tears started welling up in his eyes.
"You... you."
"I was a Corporal back then. It was my first real battle. I... I froze."
"You... froze. And it cost my brother his life. For you of all people." You really are the worst of the worst Marvin.
I pleaded with my eyes, but he threw away his rifle.
"Chris, wait-"
"I'm done!" I'm done with this shit!
McManis slammed open the door and rushed out into the city. I felt his mind disappear not long after. The only thing that pierced the silence was Kish's heavy breathing. He walked up to me and helped me up.
"You're okay Marvin. Let's get you up."
"Roger?" I cracked, not even realizing I asked. Tears gathered in my eyes, my vision blurry.
"How... how many people... are we going to lose Roger?"
Kish held me up, looking away for a few moments.
"More than what should be necessary Marvin. But we have to keep moving forward."
I nodded. He took out a bloody piece of cloth, handing it to me. I cleaned my face.
"We have to keep moving forward. You can start by making sure this egg is safe and comfortable."
I looked over his shoulder at the slightly uncovered egg, surrounded by pillows and blankets. Moon walked up and covered it.
"Supplies. We'll have to get it back to Jade Mountain somehow. That's our most defendable position."
"But isn't that where-"
"Yeah, it is." I interrupted Qibli. "But we have no other choice. Either there, or we lead Goldman straight to an undefended town. Which is better?"
Kish slowly nodded, as did Moon, and eventually Qibli.
"We're gonna need blankets. Warm blankets, food. How much food do we still have McManis?"
I looked up, but Reed was standing at the base of the stairs.
"Enough for five days, at only one meal a day for each of us."
"Get Turtle's bowl and make what you need. K and C rations, ammo. Full combat load."
"Where are we going?" Reed asked.
"Nowhere right now. But be ready to leave at a moment's notice." This blanket is thin. "I'm going out to get better supplies for the egg. Qibli, can you-"
"Already on it."
He stepped up and surrounded the egg. It was as if he knew what to do.
"Lieutenant, I raised chickens." Came Towne from upstairs. "You have to rotate it every four hours as well."
"Start the clock. Moon, can you-"
"No, I'm going with you. If there's anyone who can find anything for this egg, it's me."
I sighed. "Fair enough. I want eyes on the egg 24/7 until further notice. Rotate it every four hours, starting now. Qibli, you got this?"
"I'll be fine. You go get what you need."
"I'll tell the rest of your winglet."
I looked over the growing squad called by the ruckus downstairs.
"Keep this egg safe. That is our highest priority."
"The man who saves one life, saves the world entire." Someone spoke. I looked them over, but no one betrayed themselves.
"Good luck men. God's speed."
"And God's Grace to you Marvin," Kish spoke out to me. I nodded with a smile. Opening the building and holding it for Moon. I closed it behind her.
You're feeling better.
"I am? Oh. I guess I am. Distraction I guess."
I still felt a longing, a small sadness. But it was not on my outer level, where I could wipe and manipulate as I wish. No. This was deeper, closer to my heart. As if my soul itself was crying and its emotions seeped out, rather than in. I wonder if that was what Moon was feeling.
We continued down the streets. Suddenly, people started coming up to me. Their minds a mixture of gratitude, thankfulness, but also nervousness and spite. But they still gathered around me. I raised my hands, Moon was not too far away from me.
"I don't want any trouble."
"Trouble? You should've thought that before you made us leave our city."
"That city was the only place where we were safe. We were free!"
"Were you?" I only asked softly.
"From what I saw, you all were confined to a few square miles. Ruled by a leader with martial law. And misinformed about the dangers of dragons."
"They destroyed our villages, ate our families, and terrorized the countryside!"
"I lost my house, my family to dragons!"
"The Invincible Lord protected us."
The crowd began to close in. I looked around for Moon, but she disappeared. My hand hovered over my pistol, my other around my knife. They were not friendly.
Suddenly, a presence appeared behind me. I turned and saw a girl, not that younger than me. She grabbed my arm.
"Come." I won't hurt you.
I nodded, following her away from the crowd.
"After him!"
"Run." She ordered, letting me go. I followed her, dogging people and ducking into an alleyway. I followed her into another street, then into another crowd. I struggled to keep eyes on her, but I triangulated her mind. Pushing away standing citizens.
"Official business! Out of the way!"
I came out to another alleyway, I lost her.
A hand went over my mouth, and I was pulled into the shadows. I managed to withdraw my knife, prepared to fight off the attacker, but it was her. She shushed me, as the angry mob surged past.
"Where is he?"
"He's around here somewhere!"
"Find him!"
After a few long moments, the crowd finally left. The strange girl finally let me go. I jumped up with my pistol, prepared to engage.
"Identify yourself."
She just walked up to me, pushing my weapons down.
"Are you the one who saved The Indestructible City? Marvin?"
I hesitated for a moment.
Should I? She saved me. I don't know if she's a threat though. "Who's asking?"
"Wren. And I already know you are."
I blinked as she started to rummage through a pack.
"H-how could you tell?"
"Your badge." She motioned to the eagle badge on my shoulder. "You're kind of obvious."
"Heh. Maybe a little."
She slung her pack over her back.
"Follow me."
I shrugged, following her. We slowly made our way outside of town. I was getting suspicious. Her mind didn't help either.
Why would Marvin be out in the open? No one should be so exposed like that. And that Nightwing. It looked like it was looking after him.
"Moonwatcher. Her name is Moon."
She stopped, pushing me back. I fell onto my butt.
"Argh. My friend, Moonwatcher." He sheathed her knife. "There's another thing you should know about me."
"Uh-huh, tell me on the way."
"I can read minds."
Wren stopped. Turned back towards me. She looked me over before saying,
"You're lying. Humans can't read minds." This man is crazier than anyone said.
"That's what I thought. But I can. Moon can as well. I can talk with dragons too."
I backed up when I found a dagger up against my neck.
"Why would I believe a word you're saying?"
Marvin! Are you okay?
I'm fine. Standby. "Because it's the truth. I don't lie. What reason do I have to lie to you?"
"I don't know. A trap, a bounty, you're just plain crazy?"
"What can I say to convince you?"
She shook her head. "I don't know. If you're really telling the truth, what am I thinking of right now?" I'm a loner. I can take care of myself. Sky is somewhere in the forest. Humans can't be trusted. 42.
"Why 42?"
She stumbled back, then her face shifted back to normal.
"Come." She hustled back over to the nearby forest.
What was that?
I don't know. Standby.
I ran after her. Her mind was ahead of me, not far, but I couldn't see her.
I called out, hoping she would respond. Nothing. I stopped, digging through my go bag, pulling out my scope. I scanned the forest, nothing but trees.
"Behind you."
I spun around, and I was blinded by yellow.
"Oh!" I nearly tossed my scope. Wren snatched it out of my hand. An oddly pale orange SkyWing appeared behind her. It reminded me of Qibli, it's color.
"What is this?"
"My rifle scope. Please don't drop it."
"Ri-ful?" She asked.
"Rifle. A weapon. Like my pistol. May I please have it back?"
She was looking through it.
A tiny telescope. She thought.
"Exactly like a telescope. Please don't drop it."
"Why are you so concerned about-"
She stopped when she scanned over to me.
"That's why. It's enchanted so you can see possible enemies quickly."
"Woah." She turned it around to her dragon, who I assumed was Sky.
"May I please have it back?"
She scowled at me.
"Fine. Here."
She weakly tossed it towards me. I had to run to grab it. Suddenly coming at me with a dagger.
"What allegiance do you have Marvin? Dragonmancers? Wing watchers?" Priest, poet, king?
"No! I'm a member of the Airborne! Delta Company, 1st platoon..." I shook my head. "You don't know what that is. I... am a soldier. I drop from planes, from the sky."
"You really are talking nonsense."
"Nonsense shmonsese." Came from the SkyWing. He spoke in a deeper accent of English, but he showed his experience in speaking.
"You can talk?"
"And you talk in dragon?" Sky looked deeply confused.
"My necklace. It allows me to communicate with dragons. I speak English- oh man, I'm sorry Sky, this must be very confusing for you."
"How do you know his name is Sky?"
"I um... gleaned it from your mind."
Wren shook her head in shock.
"There's a way to block it! A stone, a special black stone called Skyfire. We have some spare. If I can go back to the city, I can get you some."
"Not yet. I want to know who you are and what you're doing."
I was getting ticked off facing down this lady with a dagger.
Moon. If you mind at all.
A roar echoed from the sky. Moon came diving down, landing nearby. But as she got closer, I noticed that she wasn't entirely any bigger than Sky. They must be around the same age or something. Wren produced a sword, holding it with both hands.
"Wren, don't. This is Moon. Moon, this is Wren, and Sky."
"Don't move Marvin." She said between her teeth. Sky seemed to inch away, but Wren held her ground next to me.
The others are coming, I already warned them.
Good work, but let me at least try and figure out what she wants. I cleared my throat. "Uh, Wren. We might've gotten off on the wrong foot here."
"You think?"
"I'm Lieutenant Marvin, of the 101st Airborne. We won't hurt you, but please put the sword away, please?"
Wren just looked over at me, then back at Moonwatcher. She stopped bearing her teeth but kept herself low to pounce.
If she dares-
She won't. "Please Wren?"
Ugh! I don't like this!
She sheathed her sword. We all breathed a collective sigh of relief.
"So now can you tell me what's going on?"
Wren walked past and pushed me away.
"What makes you so high and mighty?"
I blinked and shook my head in confusion.
"Absolutely nothing. I could ask the same to you."
"Well... I have a dragon. I can kill you right here, right now."
Moon hissed.
"I would advise against that. But you didn't kill me, you saved me. Why?"
Wren looked away.
Because you are different from other humans. You aren't as bad as they all are. And the legend-
"Not all of humanity is bad. Admittedly, there are a few bad apples that spoil the bunch."
"Stay out of my head." She grumbled.
"I don't really have a choice. Unless we go back to the barracks and I get you some Skyfire."
"I'm not going back into town."
"Why not?"
She was silent again, but she spoke first before her thoughts.
"They'll be after me. Humans don't like dragons, and if they know I have one-"
"Then let them. You have a dragon you said. Why don't you ask Sky to scare them away or something, leave you alone."
"I wish." But Sky doesn't have any fire, and isn't really all that scary.
"Ohh! Snail!"
Sky bounded off to a nearby tree, staring intently at it. His mind was completely focused on a single, shelled, animal.
Case in point.
"I understand. If you wish, I can have my squad protect you. They're my closest friends, we are twelve strong."
I don't know why I began to change my rhetoric, maybe to get down to her level.
"No thanks. Me and Sky work alone."
"That still begs the question. Why were you in Sanctuary in the first place?"
Wren swung around her pack, opening it and pulling out strips of dried meat.
"Ah. Here, I might have something better."
I rummaged through my own back, withdrawing a trio of three boxes, red, blue, and green. I handed them towards Wren.
"What are these?"
"K rations. It's what me and my men eat when we're out in the field. They aren't warm food, but they keep forever."
She took them.
"I must tell you. They are enchanted but in a good way. Each one refills after six hours, so you're never left without food."
She looked down at my gift in disbelief.
"How are you getting objects like this? A magic small telescope, a chain that lets you talk to dragons, now magic food? How are getting all this?"
"I... have some friends who do small things like that for me."
Friends? Small things like this? What are they capable of?
"A lot. But Wren, I could really use a friendly local around here. I'm not sure you noticed, but this isn't our particular stretch of the woods."
Wren inspected the rations thoroughly before softly sliding them into her pack.
"What would you like me to do?"
"Show me around town. You know how to trade. There are some things I'm in need of."
"Like what?"
Don't tell her about the egg.
Why not?
Just don't.
I sighed.
"Okay. We're transporting some valuable cargo for quite a distance. Problem is that it needs to be kept toasty warm in order to not denature."
"De... nature?"
"It has to be kept warm. ...It's a special Skyfire cactus, it could explode on us if we don't treat it with respect."
Wren's eyes widened in understanding.
"Then we better get moving."
She walked past me, turning back towards us.
"Come on! Let's go!"
Okay. I muttered. We followed her back into town.

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