Chapter 25: Know Thy Enemy

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"Travers hold."
"But I-"
"Hold fast!"
He stood at attention. His hands resting still at his sides.
"Don't move. Nobody touch him. I'll deal with this."
I walked up towards Qibli. Moon stood by my side. She spoke first.
He looked up from his claws at her, then at me.
I gulped, pursing my lips. I didn't want to know what he was thinking, but I read his face all too well.
This was a dream of his, he was terribly excited. But at the same time, terrified. All the weight, expectations, and responsibilities of being an animus came flooding down on him. He was scared. He looked like he'd bolt any minute.
"Qibli? Are you okay?" I asked, reaching out my hand.
He shied away a moment, but let me advance. I felt the electrical tinge of an animus touch, but it was superseded by his warmth. I realized he was trying to make out words.
"I-I-I... I'm an animus?" He muttered out.
Everyone stared at him, as if he knew any more than we did. He visibly gulped.
"Okay. Rock, lift up into the sky." He said softly.
I looked over and saw a rock tremble. It shuddered, faster and faster. It lifted itself off the ground, as if pulled by an invisible fishing line. It shot up into the sky at a rapid pace, almost like it was fired. I watched the sky for a moment, hoping it wouldn't come down with nearly as much force. But all eyes were on Qibli. He was wide-eyed.
Moon wrapped her wing around him. "Are you okay Qibli?"
He shook his head. Not saying no, more like trying to wake himself up from a dream.
"Is this real? Pinch me, Moon."
"I'm not going to do that."
"It's real Qibli. You're real." I said, slowly walking up to him.
He blinked rapidly. It was a mixture of disbelief, confusion, and surprise. Likely all three.
"Are you going to be okay?"
He just looked down at me.
For some reason, I felt way smaller than I used to be, looking up at this almighty dragon.
Please be a friend. I found myself hoping.
"I... think I'll be fine."
I breathed a sigh of relief. Oh, thank God. Really thank God.
Then the mumbling started. I turned back. Travers was still standing at attention, terrified that my attention shifted back to him. I walked with a purpose towards him. My hand balled up into a fist.
"Wait!" Qibli called out.
I stopped on a dime.
"Don't hurt him."
I brought myself back to rest, stuffing a breath. Slowly nodding. I continued forward, at a slower and less threatening pace. I walked up alongside him, mimicking his pose. I whispered in the direction of his ear.
"You are lucky today Travers. Defy orders again, and you will be arrested. No matter what kind of powers you give yourself, or others. Dismissed."
Travers swiftly ran away, disappearing behind the tents.
I took a deep breath and sighed. I now had three legendary animus wielders with me. Two mind readers and prophets, and enough men to engage a platoon-sized unit in a fair fight. I looked over what damage was done, realizing it could all be repaired, someway, with time I didn't have.

I let my men continue digging foxholes in the mountain granite, shallow comms trenches led up to the foxholes. The trenches would only provide meager cover and were really only supposed to be used to reinforce the foxholes with men or ammo.
I wasn't about to let Jade Mountain go undefended. The main entrance was the only viable place for a land assault. Problem was: it also faced the sea, perfect for accurate direct fire from local fire control. The Prey Center had a steep drop-off, with only a small trail providing only a meager chance of men with climbing gear even making it up. I had scout trenches — to provide a quick, auxiliary defense — being dug there as we speak.
The entire place was fit for defense, but I really wished we had an actual MG. That was the backbone of any Infantry Squad. A force multiplier. The BARs were okay, but they were automatic rifles, better suited for walking fire on the attack. A 1919, a heavy machine gun, or something else similar (like Goldman's Stinger) would be amazing for static defense. But we only had what we got. And I wasn't about to waste anyone's soul just so I could get a weapons system that really only one other man under my command was really trained on how to use. And even then, he wasn't strong enough to get it where it needs to go.
I sighed again, things were getting desperate. Goldman with that egg. Why would he want a dragon egg? The obsidian mirror didn't help much. It can't show anything around the target, the background, for identification purposes. I really wished I had some means of keeping tabs on Goldman, other than voice or relative position. I wish I knew what he was planning. I wish... I was inside his camp.
Then something clicked.
My jacket, the compass, the radios. I could sneak into Goldman's camp and find out what's really going on in his head. It would be incredibly dangerous though. He knows I'm capable of it. I managed to airdrop onto his base for Christ's sake. He'd know I'd be coming. But what other choice do I have? The dragons are pretty much all out of commission. I'll let them take care of Qibli, and give him the day to adjust to his new powers. Hopefully, give him the chance to readjust and regain his effectiveness as soon as possible. I need as many able bodies as I can get my hands on to fight Goldman. Part of the process is knowing my enemy.

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