The Rationalists

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"We are the Team Rationalists. I'm Manu, your host. Our aim is to prove again and again that ghosts do not exist. And, we have been proving it for the last few years. Today, we are here at an old house known as the 'Haunted Den'. This is a 200-year old building." The cameraman focused his camera on that old house. The broken windows, rotten doors, the walls with cracks and the broken roof tiles, had made the old house look like 400-year old. One could see some vines creeping inside the walls too.

"The people of this village say they hear weird sounds every night coming from this building. No one even dares to enter this street after the sun sets. As soon as we heard about this "haunted" place through an anonymous call, we rushed here. We will be entering now, really eager to meet this "ghost"." As explaining, Manu opened the old creaking door and entered with his cameraman.

Manu and the cameraman slowly moved through the corridor, and then, they heard the sound of a woman weeping. Their hearts stopped beating for a second. Gathering courage, they peeked into the room from which the wails emanated. As they entered, the sound stopped, making them creeped out. Looking around, they saw no one. Suddenly, again the cries began along with the gush of the wind. They were startled for a moment. Then Manu went near the window and examined the rotted door.

"Ha ha ha... I can't stop... laughing... Haha ha ha..." Manu chuckled. Few moments later, after regaining his composure he talked to the camera.

"As you can see here, termites have eaten and created lots of holes in this door. As a result, when the wind passes through those holes it makes the sound of a weeping woman. There is no ghost in this place."

They inspected other rooms also, and gave logical explanations for the things happening there. After half an hour later, they came outside of that house and ended the live telecast. Manu turned around and saw that darkness had covered the entire village; neither street lights nor house lights.

"It seems the power is off. Thanks to our useless government." He cursed as they stepped out on the street. As they walked a few steps in the glow of their mobile flash lights, Manu went numb looking around carefully. On both sides of the street, ruined houses were standing. Cold sweat formed on his forehead as he realized the situation.

"Quick! We have to leave this wretched place as soon as possible." Manu yelled, running towards their car, and the cameraman followed. They opened the doors and almost jumped inside the car. Looking around, Manu tried to start the car. But the car was dead. It didn't respond even after he tried a few more times.

"SHIT!!!..." The cameraman squealed, holding Manu's arm in fear. There were a pair of eyes, glaring at them from outside of the door. The sound died in his throat, as Manu tried to scream. Then another pair of eyes appeared in front of the car; then another and another. There were tens of hundreds of ghosts surrounding the car. Glaring at Manu and the cameraman, they shrieked in rage, shattering the glasses of the car. The screams laced with terror let out by Manu and the cameraman were welcomed by the angry ghosts with ruthlessness. That was the end of the Team Rationalists.

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