The Revolutionary Ghosts' Liberation Front

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"Dear Comrades, Enough is enough. We shouldn't tolerate injustice any more. We have been suffering, and losing for decades. These humans treat us like lowly creatures. They steal our places, refuse to accept our existence, and try to wipe us out of existence for their capitalistic gains. How long should we let it go on like this? Should we simply sit, and watch this injustice? Tell me comrades, Is this what you all want?..." Chairman Kishan paused for a response.

"NO!!! It should end right now. We want justice." The members of RGLF responded in unison. Brimming with confidence, he smiled. He could see that his goal was within reach as he gazed at the members.

"That's the spirit, my comrades. With this, we'll bring justice and equality for all. You don't have to wait very long for that. On the next new moon day, we'll launch an attack on the nuclear plant in the Bastar District. There, we'll possess the key employees, and sabotage the plant. That will destroy a vast area, wiping out all the humans in it. Thus, we will have more comrades to carry on our fight for justice and equality. It will be just a matter of time, till we free the entire world from the evil clutches of capitalism." He raised his hands.

"YES!!! YES!!!... JUSTICE AND EQUALITY!" The members shouted in unison. He was very pleased, and raised his right fist, shouting.

"Long live revolution! Long live revolution!!!", and the members shouted back.

"Dear comrades, we'll meet again here, on the next new moon day. Now, let's go and prepare." He signaled, and the members disappeared into thin air.

The awaited day came, and the ghost terrorists of RGLF surrounded the nuclear plant silently in a two kilometer radius, under the command of Chairman Kishan. He gave the signal to move forward. Barely they took a few steps ahead, when they were stopped by an invisible wall. Kishan was perplexed. Before he could react, he heard some chanting from behind. He turned back, and was stunned to see the Aghoris, who had encircled them.

They were chanting mantras from one of the four Vedas - Atharvana Veda. Kishan instantly understood what was going to happen.

"Kill them! No one should be left alive." He ordered his comrades. They pounced on those Aghoris, but were repelled back. They couldn't even go near the Aghoris. Each one of them was standing inside protective circles. Suddenly, the pace of the chanting increased both in speed and intensity.

"AAAAARGGHHH!!!...", "NO!!!!...." Kishan heard some of his comrades shrieking. They were writhing in pain, and the next moment, they were dissipated one by one. Within a few minutes, his entire ghost army was decimated.

"Why did you do this? We had never crossed your path. You guys never even bothered to involve yourself in the business of humans. NOW WHY?!!!" Infuriated, Kishan glared at the Aghoris.

"True, whatever you said is true. But what you were going to do was beyond madness. The entire earth along with every kind of life form would have been wiped out at the end. That we cannot allow. You caused misery to everyone when you were alive. You didn't change even after your death. A being like you has no place on earth. It's time for you to suffer in hell." The leader of the Aghoris replied.

Kishan let out a shriek in desperation, and pounced on the Aghori leader, only to be repelled back. He tried again and again, as the Aghoris continued their chanting until he couldn't move. The Aghori leader came near him, and chanting some mantras he threw ashes over Kishan. Before Kishan could react he was dissipated. The Aghoris hailed God Mahadev, and disappeared into the darkness.

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