The Death of A Serial Killer

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Umesh was hiding in a forest because the police were after him. He could hear the barking of the police dogs far away. Being a notorious serial killer, who wreaked havoc in the state for years, he enjoyed torturing, and killing his clueless victims. Then he would mutilate the dead bodies, and drop the body parts at the nearest police station, as if he was taunting the police.

The police tried every way to capture, or kill this 'demon-in-human-form' but failed every time, since he was a wonderful escape artist. Few days ago, acting on a tip off, the police almost had him, but he managed to slip away. He entered the forest, bordering the town, thinking he would be safe. But the police chased him down successfully, and he was running out of options.

"Sanjay, you take two more men, and go to that side. Shoot his legs. We want him alive." An authoritative voice commanded from far.

"Yes Sir." A person in civil dress replied and signaled the two police constables to follow him.

"Oh shit!... Time to run." Umesh muttered and sneaked forward avoiding their gazes. As he moved a bit far, the police dogs started barking aggressively looking in his direction. He was still for a second, then sprinted like a deer.

"Sir, there he is!" Head Constable Sanjay shouted. He signaled the other two, and began chasing him. They may have run a few yards, then two German Shepherds passed them at lightning speed.

Umesh ran as fast as he could, but to no avail. The dogs cornered him near a cliff. The police arrived after a few moments. Now, there was no escape for him, though he tried in vain.

"Umesh alias Suresh, you're surrounded. Surrender, or it will be difficult for you." The same authoritative voice ordered him.

"Do I have to, Inspector?" Umesh gave a scornful smile. His right hand went behind his back.

"Don't move! Hands up, or I'll shoot." The inspector yelled.

Umesh instantly brought his hand forward, and 'Bang!'. A bullet drilled Umesh's left leg.

"Aaaaah!!!..." Umesh lost his balance, and staggered backwards. Before anyone could react, he fell off the cliff with a loud scream. They were stunned for a few seconds. Then, the inspector ran to the edge of the cliff, and looked down. He saw the body of Umesh floating, and then drowning in the river.

"Sanjay, request the river patrol units to search for the body. We've to find his body at any cost." The inspector ordered.

"Yes Sir." Head Constable Sanjay replied.

For the next three days, the search went on for the body of Umesh in the river. They couldn't even find his clothes. The search was called off, and the police declared him dead. The public finally sighed in relief. A week passed.

"" Umesh was humming in a bamboo chair, sipping a glass of whisky.

"Hi bro, having a wonderful time, eh?" A voice came out of nowhere.

"Yep, you can join too." Umesh chuckled. A foggy entity took the form of Umesh, and sat opposite to him.

"It was a clever plan. Leading the police to you... I meant, to me. Then making me get shot at, and to fall into the river. Thus, forcing the police to declare you dead. But why did you do that? This state was a happy hunting ground." That entity asked him.

"Yup, it was. But not anymore. I was getting bored. Besides, finding a prey was not easy any more. Public had become aware of me. So, there was a chance I'd have made a mistake in desperation. That's why I planned this little act. Of course, with your help, my twin dead brother Suresh. I just don't understand why people are so scared of ghosts. They can be very helpful, just like you." Umesh winked at that ghost.

"If I hadn't died of cancer long ago, it wouldn't be easy for you to escape. Wish you a happy hunting in this new state, bro." The ghost chuckled, before both laughed maniacally.

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