Death Became Her

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Tanu was walking briskly in a dark alley. It was already past 10. She had already gotten more than ten calls from her mother. There was a reason for that too. That area was plagued with thugs who would roll call, kidnap, kill or loot for money. Girls above fifteen years old were not safe there. Rumors used to roam around that girls were molested but no one even dared to call the police.

Tanu was at the end of that dark alley. From there, it was just about a 5-minute walk to her home. As soon as she came out, the notorious thugs blocked her path.

"Hi birdy, going home this early? You're the lucky winner today to spend the night with us. Are you happy?" One of them who looked like their leader asked her, and others laughed.

He gazed at her body from top to bottom while licking his lips. Others were looking at her like hungry wolves. For a moment, she went blank. Then suddenly rushed back into that dark alley. They instantly chased her.

"Help! Help!!!... Someone... Please help!" She screamed for help while running aimlessly. Enjoying her haplessness, they toyed with her. They would just touch her, or grab her ponytail loosely while chasing her, but wouldn't catch her. This went on for a few minutes. Then, she saw an under-construction building while trying to escape. Without thinking, she just ran inside the building. They followed her with chuckles and laughs.

She didn't even bother to turn on her mobile flash light. Stumbling in the middle, she moved on holding the walls. In panic, she entered a room, thinking it was a corridor. Then she realized it was a dead end. Actually it was a big hall. Before she could escape they entered, pointing their mobile flash light at her.

"Whooooo!!!..." The leader howled and signaled his men. They grabbed, and then pushed her on the floor. Joining her hands, she cried and begged to spare her. Two of them laughed, and pinned her down by holding her hands tightly. The leader was about to make a move.

"Ooooh!!! Having fun, boys?" A seductive breathy voice echoed in that room. Everyone felt a chill through their spines and turned around. A beautiful woman with a dazzling smile stepped out from the darkness.

"Wh... who are you?... It looks... like... we're going to have lots of fun today... Haha... Ha... Ha ha..." the leader laughed, regaining his composure. Others tried their best to laugh. Taking a deep breath, she reached him in a flash before anyone could realize. The long, sharp nails of her right hand, sunk deeply in his chest.

"What were you saying, darling?" She asked in that same seductive breathy voice, while he was squirming in agony. His men were stunned like statues. Slowly turning towards Tanu, she viciously smiled at her. Tanu's face turned pale in fear, and immediately closed her eyes.

"Good girl. Close your eyes till I tell you to open." The woman turned towards the leader with a tempting look. He just wanted to die now.

"Shall we, darling?" The next moment, his heart was ripped out, and he collapsed instantly.

"Fuck!!!... Shit, man!... Run, run!" His men came to life and started to run like a headless chicken.

That room filled with the screams of the dying men for a few seconds. Then everything went silent. While licking her nails, the woman looked around with satisfaction. Then she moved towards Tanu, and knelt down. Tanu had covered her face, and was crying.

"Don't worry, girl. I won't hurt you. Now, just walk away and don't look back. You saw nothing, you heard nothing." That voice creeped Tanu out. Shivering in fear, she simply nodded.

"Good girl." The woman disappeared into the darkness, smiling. After a few seconds, Tanu opened her eyes. She slowly stood up and then took a few steps hesitantly. Then rushed out of the room, and ran like hell out of the building. She ran and ran until she reached home, and collapsed.

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