The Bargain of Death

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"Ok guys, this is the final challenge in this 8th season of Fear Unleashed. The winner of this season will receive 1 crore Indian Rupee. We've three couples for this final challenge; Joseph and Maria, Ravish and Arfa, and Salim and Shanon. At present, the team - Ravish and Arfa is in the lead. But, anything can happen. Let's see. Are you ready guys?" The show host Pranay asked the couples.

"Yes." The couples replied. They were on top of a hill in the midst of a town.

"I didn't hear you. C'mon guys, don't you want 1 crore rupee?" Pranay asked in excitement. This time, all of them yelled 'yes!'.

"Ok then. As you can see, there is an old ruined bungalow behind me. All you've to do is, go to each room, pick up the flags, and return to this spot here. The couple that finishes this challenge in the shortest time will be the winner." Pranay explained the task. The couples were excited.

"Looks easy, doesn't it? But let me tell you that this bungalow is haunted. There are numerous ghost stories surrounding this place. The locals talk about hearing weird sounds emanating from here every night." Pranay paused with a smile. The couples looked nervous now.

"But you don't have to worry, guys. Those are just stories. I don't think you believe in granny's stories, do you?" Pranay smiled again. The couples nervously smiled.

"I don't believe in these ghosts, demons kind of things. They are just stories made up by cavemen to pass time." Ravish said with confidence.

"Yea, that's the spirit, Ravish. What about you guys?" Pranay excitedly clapped. Others nodded positively.

"In any case, if you are scared, just shout 'Help!'. Some of our crews are inside the bungalow. They will come to help. Ok, let's start then. The couple in the third spot will start first. Then, the couple in second. Finally, the couple in the first place. That means, Salim and Shanon will start, then Joseph and Maria, and finally, Ravish and Arfa." Pranay announced. The couples clapped.

"Salim and Shanon, take your positions, please." Pranay directed them towards a starting point. The couple stood there ready.

"Three, two, one... go!" Pranay signaled, and the couple ran towards the bungalow. Pranay, and the other couples went towards a large desk, where a few huge monitors were placed. They watched the movements of Salim and Shanon inside the bungalow.

Salim went inside one room, and Shanon went into another. They picked up the flags, and came out. Again, Salim went into another room, and Shanon entered the hall. Then they heard Shanon's screaming. For a few moments, no one understood what had happened. Salim froze as he entered the hall to see whether Shanon was ok. Shanon had turned her face away, and was crying non-stop. Shocked, others ran towards the bungalow to see what happened.

Pranay, and the other couples froze as soon as they entered the hall. Four dead bodies were lying on the floor. They looked like they were bleached.

"Wh-what happened? My crew... is gone." Pranay muttered in shock. Joseph panicked, and stepped back. He turned to leave the place immediately.

"Hiii...!!!", a chilling voice greeted Joseph. Before he could react, he was smashed into the wall. A purple colored smoke surrounded him, lifting him up above the floor. Others watched in horror. They had no idea what was going on, while Joseph was struggling to breathe. Within a few seconds, his dead body fell on the floor. It looked like it was bleached.

"Ah, human soul. Tastes so good." A white figure appeared in front of them. It looked like a woman with white hair, wearing a grey robe. It's eyes were red, staring at them, and one could see a few red veins on her body. She had a devilish smile, showing pointy teeth.

"W-who... are... you?" Ravish spoke, gathering little courage. For a second, it looked at him, then raised it's finger pointing at him. In a fraction of a second, it flew towards him.

"Shit!" Ravish screamed, and others ran towards the main door. Looking into his eyes, it stood very close to Ravish.

"Beh... beh... beh..." He barely managed to blabber. "Beh... beh... beh..." It mocked him. Then that thing looked down. His pants, and shoes were wet. Raising its head, it gave an amused smile. Ravish started to cry, joining his hands. That thing engulfed him instantly. Few seconds later, his corpse was on the floor staring lifelessly.

Maria had just come out of the bungalow, when something lifted her up. She flew up about 150 feet high, and that thing was staring at her. Closing her eyes in fear, she screamed her lungs out. It laughed gleefully.

"Please, let me go... please..." She was begging non-stop. That thing paused for a second.

"Ok, your wish, my command." It let her go, and she screamed. When she was about to hit the ground, it swooped down, and flew through her body. The next moment, her bleached corpse hit the ground.

"Salim, wait for me... Salim..." Arfa was running behind him. Struggling to breathe, she stopped. The screams of the camera crew sent a series of chills through her body. A minute later, she sensed something was behind her. She slowly turned to see her nightmare smiling at her. In fear, she took a few steps back. It let out a blood curdling scream that hit Arfa. Before she could do something, her ears, eyes, nose, and mouth started bleeding. In a few moments, she was dead, drowned in her own blood.

Salim had almost reached the main gate. He tried to pull the gate but was horrified to find it chained and locked.

"It's useless. Don't waste your energy." a creepy voice said from behind him. Salim instantly turned to see that thing licking its lips. Some vines grabbed his hands and legs, when he tried to run, tying him to the gate.

"Help... help me... somebody..." He shouted for help in desperation.

"Ah! Humans..." That thing shook its head, and lunged at him. The last thing Salim heard before his death was his own scream. Leaving his body, it looked around. It felt more energetic, and flew up in a flash.

From above, it saw Shanon running in the garden. She was cute and chubby. By nature, she had a bubbly character.

"Yum yum!" That thing slurped, and swooped down. Shannon saw it coming, and fell to the ground at the last moment, making it miss her completely. She managed to stand up somehow.

"Boo!" It spooked her, and she fell again. Laughing maniacally for a few seconds, it became silent. The next moment, it pounced on her. She didn't even get a chance to scream.

"Well, I hope your meal was good." Pranay slowly appeared from behind the trees, looking at that thing.

"Yes, thank you. I really enjoyed it, kid." It replied while staring at him.

"I held the bargain from my side. Now, it's your turn. Show me the treasure." Pranay smiled. It responded with that same devilish smile.

"Greed, hmm... you, pathetic humans, will never learn." It laughed, while shaking its head. Pranay was confused, and scared to death. Within a few moments, his deathly scream was heard.

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