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"Stop this" She tried to stop him but he pushed her back and again start hitting her friend.

"He is the reason.That's why you are no to this marriage,right?" He hold her friend's hair who was not even able to open his eyes.

"RIGHT" Tears were continuously falling from her eyes. Words were not coming out of her mouth.

"If he is becoming barrier in you and me then I should kill him.No barrier no tantrums of yours" She looked at him with wide eyes.

He dropped her friend on ground and one last time kicked him in his stomach because of which her friend groaned and threw some blood out.

He went near her.

"Now look how I am going to kill your shitty friend and how he will die gasping like a fish" He took out a gun from his back pocket and pointed at him.

She quickly run and stood infront of her friend.

"Pl-Please don't" She whisperly begged which was audible for him.

"Come back" He ordered giving her a glare.

She tried to speak louder.

"I am so-sorry but please don't do anything to him" She said crying.

"Don't do anything with him!"He raised his voice.

"He DIDN'T DO ANYTHING, DON'T YOU GET THAT" She yelled in frustration.

She tries to make him understand this since so long but he didn't listen to her and now her friend is almost died.

Next thing she knew that she was on ground with a sharp pain on her cheek.

He slapped her,hard.

This was the third slap from him in this day.

How can she accept this kind of man who abuse another person in rage.

He grabbed her arm and make her stand on her feet then he hold her jaw.

"Don't ever fucking raise your voice in front me" He said each word gritting his teeth and left her with jolt.

She fell beside her friend who bearly opened his eyes and looked at her.

His face was covered with blood,one can't even see his skin.

She touched his face with trembled hand and he exhaled breath and give her weak smile.

"I a-m sor-ry.Be-ca-use of m-e you he-re" He lost his energy and couldn't say anything further.

She shook her head.

"It's not your fault" She said with hot tears streaming down.

Suddenly she heard a loud growl.

"Ohhh! This piece of shit can't stop shitting even at his death time"

Then he again make her stand and said
"And with you darling, I will deal later"

He pushed her beside.

"And your time to say goodbye"




How's the Prologue???

Couldn't control myself from updating Prologue.

Shower lots of love on this story as I don't want to delete this one in future.

Comment as much as you can.

Vote as much as you can.

And also I am not going to update any chapter until I finish my one or two stories but if I get enough time I would do(You all love surprises.I got u😉)


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