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"What's going on here?" Fatima heard Rayan and looked back to see him looking at them with narrow eyes.

Before he could make any wrong idea about them, she quickly started speaking.

"We were not talking, I just bumped into him. I didn't see him coming" Fatima didn't want Rayan to doubt them, after he completely warned her not to talk to Hazeem.

She always wondered why he has insecurity from his own brother.

Maybe because they are same age and they are in same college and he heard people saying they make good couple.

But still he is his brother and she is his sister-in- law. This insecurity shouldn't be here. She already have many things to take care, she did not want one more thing in her list.

"I did not say anything. Actually you should greet him properly. After all he cane back after a month" He has his arms closed near his chest and he walk towards them.

Fatima was shaking internally, she knew what Rayan might be thinking. Hazeem care less, he knew what people talk about them, but does he care, NO.

She is his sister-in-law. To young to be sister-in-law though. He try to talk to her, he tease her and play with her without knowing his teasing does not end good with his sister-in-law.

"I thought you went to bring Inayat from her room" I hold her arm and bring her near to him.

"I- Yeah b-ut Rayan s-she is not in her room" She cannot hide this from them, she needs to tell one person who is in authority.

"What?" Rayan was surprised to hear but then he laughed.

"She knows what he is capable of still she try to run. Bravo" He clapped his hand.

Fatima was familiar with their insanity and she believe Inayat knows what they can do still she try to take this dumb action.

"Why don't you tell this Irtaza?" He looked at Fatima. Fatima looked at him with wide eyes.

"H-How can I?" She believe and knows Irtaza is more insane and dangerous than all of the
Maliks brothers.

Who knows if he grab her throat and try to kill her for telling his wife run from their wedding.

"The mouth which was telling Hazeem, can tell Irtaza too" She gulped.  Why don't he believe her for once. She don't know what he will do to her.

"Sorry" She whispered. He knew she is smart enough to understand what he is talking about.

"I deal with you later" He whispered in her ear and looked at Hazeem. Right now, his brother was important. Fatima is not running away, he will see her later but his brother's wife is running.

This thought made him laugh.

Hazeem and Fatima looked at him with confusion.

"Let's go and tell Irtaza. His wife ran away"

Going down Rayan saw the decorated hall and his brother all ready and after many years, a real smile on his face.

Taking a deep breathe, he goes near him and placed hand on his shoulder.

Irtaza turned and looked at Rayan who just shake his head.

"She ran away" Irtaza looked at Rayan like he is telling some sort of joke.

"You kidding? She cannot run" He made his point. Rayan took a deep breathe and poked his tongue inside his mouth.

"Irtaza, let's find her" Irtaza rolled his eyes and threw his shawl to side.

"She fucking wants me to kill her" He moved his head side to side and his calm behaviour was scaring everyone in room except the brothers.

"She is really dumb to think she can run. This mansion has cameras everywhere" Hazeem said, looking disappointed.

Fatima gave him look to stay quiet, Hazeem just shrugged his shoulder.

"Fact" He murmured.

"Akhil, they will definitely find us" She was shaking and sweat was all over her head.

"Inayat, they won't find us. We will be out of this city in half an hour" Inayat looked back to see if any car is following them.

Maybe he is right. Maybe she is thinking to much. How could they find them.

She closer her eyes to take deep breathes to calm her down.

When she opened her eyes, a flash she saw and a big truck horn. Akhil lost control on car and turn to car to side.

Inayat screamed and covered her face.

Akhil hit the break and care stopped. Inayat hit her head in side.

Akhil looked at her, blood came out from her side. He quickly unbuckled his seat belt.

"You okay?" He cupped his face then turn her face to see where is the blood coming from.

"Yeah-Yeah. I'm fine. What exactly happened?" She growled in pain.

"I- I lost control. I did not see truck coming. Lets g-go to hospital first" She quickly nod her head in no.

"N-No let's go out from this city" She closed her eyes in pain.

"Look at you. You are in pain" Inayat hold his hand.

Before she could say anything, they heard a knock on car window. They turned and saw a angry eyes but calm face.

The side of Akhil's window was got hit and the glass broke down hurting Akhil.

Inayat screamed looking men around their car.

" Come out, Jaan. We have to deal with you and your boyfriend"

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