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"C-Can I use your phone to ca-call my parents?" Inayat asked playing with her fingers.

Fatima looked at her and then back at her small phone.

Rayan didn't give her phone but when she started going to college, for her safety and to know her location he gave her one however that was not smart phone, just 90's model which she can use only to call.

"Promise me you won't tell anyone th-at I give you" Fatima hand over her phone as Inayat rapidly nodded and answered. She went in corner to call.

"Please quick" Fatima was scared. She doesn't want anyone to see that she  gave Inayat phone to call.

Inayat wants her parents to know what happened to her, to tell them he came back but before calling them she called in police station.

She can hear ringing and next moment she heard voice from other side.

"He-llo" She whispered. Police officer replied telling the name of police station.

"I-I need your help. A man kidnapped me and no not only me but other two women. P-lease help us" Fatima's eyes were on door,alert.

"What's you name?Where are you? Tell me address,I coming with team" Haste was clear in his voice.

"I'm Inayat Shah..I-I don't know exact address" The man sighed in disappointment.

Then she remember what Sharnaz told her.

"Yes! I'm in Malik Mansion"

Now I will be safe.

She didn't heard anything from other side.

"Hello" She checked if that person is still on line.

"Yes,we are coming" With that police officer cut the call.

She exhaled in relief ?

No, she still feel terror crawling her skin.

Now she thought to call her parents. She knew her parents would be worried for her.

She call them but they didn't picked her call.

Then she thought to call her friend, Akhil.

And in one ring he picked her call. She weep after hearing his voice.

"Inayat,is this you?" His voice was heavy.


"Where are you, Inayat? You're parents are hell worried for you. Why you leave without informing me? Why weren't you picking my calls or your parents' call" He kept on asking her questions.

"A-Akhil, h-he come back. P-lease told my parents to g-go so-mewhere far" She just wanted her parents to be save. She doesn't want her family to suffer because of her.

"Irtaza?" He asked and he get his answer when he heard her sobs.

"Inayat, someone's coming. Give me phone" Fear was visible in Fatima's police.

"Ina-" Before Akhil could speak anything, Inayat cut the call and hastily give phone to Fatima.

There was a knock on door, indicating it was not anyone from Malik brothers.

Fatima went near door and opened it.

"Rayan Sir, is calling you" A maid said looking down.

Fatima nodded and left closing the door behind her.

Now I just have to wait.

She went near window, looking outside and started waiting for men of government to safe her.

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