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Irtaza took her to room when she went cold because of fear and was terribly shaking.

He only smirked seeing his impact on her.

"Now you're going to tell me truth" He ordered, his voice was went dark desiring to hear truth.

"I- I'm telling you tr-uth"

His eyes peered at her. His lips turned to small smile, scaring her. He tucked a strand behind her ear which was distributing his view of her hazel brown eyes.

"Next time,these beautiful lips should be opened to only speak truth" He slightly brush his thumb on her bottom lip. She wanted to ran away but his fear didn't let her move.

"Last time asking you, Jaan who gave you phone and don't think about lying. Lie doesn't go good for me"

Only she knows, how difficult this is for her to lie.

She was very young when her parents teach her lying is bad and God doesn't love those who lie so she being God's believer, always wanted her God's love.

In her life of 21 years, she try to speak truth as much as she can.

She felt his fingers on her jaw,caressing.

She promised Fatima that she won't tell anyone.

He put little pressure on her jaw, indicating her to speak.

"I us-sed Fa-Fatima's ph-one" She break her promie and tears started falling from her eyes.

"See, this wasn't difficult" He wiped her tears with knuckles.

"Pl-Please don't t-tell th-is t-o R-Rayan" She was sobbing.

"Why?" He asked still wiping tears which were not ready to stop.

"I-I promised her that I-I won't tell this anyone. S-She was sc-ared-" He stopped her by placing his index finger on her lips.

"I won't tell this to anyone"

Really, he won't?

"Really?" She asked with doubt in her eyes.

He nodded his head.

She quickly forward her hand, he gazed at her in confusion.

"Promise me" With the back of another hand she wiped off tears from her face.

He chuckled seeing her, behaving like a kid.

"Promise" He placed his hand on her hand giving her promise.

"But this was the last time you're lying to me, next time I find you lying I wouldn't stop myself to teach you how to speak truth at first place" His voice was deep and dead serious which made her to shiver.

"Get that?" She timidly nodded her head.

He leaned closer to her when she tried to move back, he pulled her to him.

"I want to hear your sweet voice" His lips were touching his earlobes.


Sharnaz was sitting on chair,his hand was rolling the small globe which was placed on table.

He was recalling all those days, when he want this power.

Power to rule the country.

A beautiful family. Everything was looking so perfect. Four kids and happy parents.

Sharnaz was eldest one. Irtaza and Rayan were unidentical twins and their youngest brother who was just two months old.

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