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Inayat couldn't hear voices coming outside of door.

"Change these flowers position" She had tears in her eyes and her heart was beating fast.

She knew soon someone is going to come in her room, asking her to get ready.

She did not want to marry. But was he ready to listen to her?

The answer is No!

Soon there was a knock on her door and then a lady opened a door followed by two girls.

They had big box in their hands and one was holding her wedding dress.

"Irtaza sir send us to make you ready for your wedding" One of the girls placed her dress on bed and one opened a box revealing makeup products.

Lady who look like girls boss told Inayat to change into her wedding dress.

Inayat looked at them with pleading eyes.

"Ca-Can you guys help me to run?" She asked them.

She didn't had any other option than asking.

She is already miserable what more will happen. She wanted to take chance.

Girls looked at each other than laughed.

"Are you kidding? Girls die to marry Irtaza. He is so handsome and have money. Who won't want to marry him. You are just being ungrateful" jealousy was clear in their eyes.

They were right. Who wouldn't agree to marry him.

He is handsome, powerful. He can bring world to her wife's feet. But they didn't know that was facade.

These were all lies hiding behind his handsome face and fake actions of goodnesses.

"Please help me. I'm forced in this marriage. Please believe me" Ignoring those girls, she plead to their boss.

She looked at Inayat and smiled.

"Please change dress. Irtaza sir gave us strict order to get you ready quickly. Qazi is gonna be here any minute" Inayat was startled at her response. She is behaving so normal.

"Please" She joined her hands infront of her, eyes filled with tears.

The lady took a long breathe.

"Girls go and check if we have all the things ready" They give inayat a glare and left.

As they left, Inayat looked at her with hope. She waited for her to tell her plan.

"See, I know what he is doing is wrong. But- But I can't help you. If I did he will destroy me and my family" Saying this her hope shattered, making the water drops falling from her eyes.

I'm trapped.

Inayat feel something heavy on her chest. She was questioning herself again why this is happening to her.

She hold the dress and went to change.

"No one can help me. Allah, you give Irtaza this power and he is now misusing it" She said every word with pain.

Why can't Allah take away this power from him. Why does he want Inayat to get destroy in his power.

She has no answer of her own question. She looked herself in mirror, ready as a bride but where is Noor on her face. Why she is seeing pain in her eyes. Why she is was feeling her hope is going to be destroyed.

She was now left alone in her room, waiting for someone to come and take her down for Nikkah.

She gulped thinking what would happen after marriage with Irtaza. She will be bound to him.

Suddenly the door opened.

"Let's go" Her eyes wide opened.

She quickly stood up.

"What are you doing here, Akhil?" She ran to him and started whispering.

"I'm here to take away" She covered his mouth with her hand and then locked the door.

"Lower your voice" She has terror in her face.

"You-you can't save me. No one can" Her voice trembled saying this.

"I can" He hold her hands.

Her lips were trembling. She looked at him with water in her eyes and shake her head.

"I shouldn't have called you. I am fool. Please-Please go before someone see you here" She took a step back.

"Inayat Listen. I have planned everything. Once your out of this mansion. He cannot hurt you" He was so sure about his plan it can be heard from his voice.

"I called police. They came here but didn't do anything. They were scared of him so much. I begged in front of them to save me but they ignored me" She was saying this looking down on floor then she looked up at him. In his eyes.

"Now tell me can you save me. When police could not then how can you"

"Because that's his mansion, his area but once we are out he couldn't do anything. Now you believe me" Looking in his eyes, she thought

Maybe that's my chance.

"You are sure, Akhil"

"Believe me" She took a deep breath and nodded her head.

Fatima was looking back when she bumped into a person.

"I'm sorry" She quickly looked down.

"I did not see you, Hazeem. Sorry" He give her smile and looked down on her level.

"How could you when you are looking back. I mean I'm not complaining that you don't have eyes on back of your head" She gulped down.


"Inayat is not in her room" She cut him off between his sentence and said in one breathe.

Hazeem looked at her with surprise but then shook his head.

"I did not see anyone rebellious as her"

"Poor thing" He genuinely looked concerned for her.

"You checked everywhere and didn't find her" Fatima nodded her head.

"Now what?" She asked. She was scared for Inayat. Why would she do something like this even she told her story to Inayat.

"Now Irtaza bhai will tell what"

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