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In the hall, voices of Maliks were audible.

"Today, you'll become Prime Minister" Hearing Sharnaz, a proud smile appeared on face of Irtaza.

"Now every branch of our business will be handled by Rayan" Rayan nodded, agreeing.

Inayat who listened to them, was thinking when he became Prime Minister.

She knew President have power to change the Prime Minister.

Sharnaz must have done something to make him Prime Minister.

She used to hear about Sharnaz from Irtaza's mouth. He used to tell him how powerful he is.

She felt a hand grasping her hand tightly. Her gaze turn to see the person.

"I've been calling you, where are you lost?" Irtaza questioned when her gaze met his.

"I-N-Nothing" She looked down. Maliks' gaze was intimidating her especially Irtaza's.

"Why you always have to lie?" She shuddered hearing is taut voice.

"Didn't I warned you?" His voice was loud. He slammed her hand on table which he was holding.

Tears welled up in her eyes feeling the pain.

"S-Sorry" Tears cascade down her cheeks, salting her food.

"Next time,I won't let it go easily" A threat was clear in his voice.

She hiccuped, sighing he kissed her hand which he slammed.

"Now tell me, what were you thinking?" His eyes were looking for answer which she answered after catching her breath properly.

"H-How you become Pr-Prime Minister?" She looked at Sharnaz with scaring gaze.

"That's it" Beautiful chuckle left his mouth.

"When we were coming here" She cocked her brows, mouth slightly opened not understanding anything. Unwhipped tears were still shinning around her eyes.

Irtaza stood up holding a beautiful smile on his lips.

"Long story, Jaan. Will tell later" Pecking her head, he left.

Sharnaz left behind him.

Rayan was waiting for Fatima to finish her food so he can drop her at her college.

After eating her breakfast, Inayat was quietly sitting on her chair,rubbing her hand which he slammed.

Rayan left with Fatima and Noor went to her room.

Asma came pitying over the poor girl.

Asma went near her and firmly held her hand, Inayat looked at her in haze.

"Should I give you painkiller?" She speak after looking at her hand.

"No,thank you" Inayat sniffed and give her little smile.

Her smile pierced Asma's heart.

This innocent girl doesn't deserve this.

After retreating her hand, Inayat looked down playing with hem of her shirt.

"Do you want to ask something?" Asma asked softly.

Inayat nodded her head in no.

"If you need anything, I'm in kitchen" saying this Asma left.

Inayat had no idea what to do here,so she stood up and left to her room.

In room, she quietly prayed to her lord to save her.

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