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She had tears in her eyes. Her hands on his hands were shivering.

"Why not, Jaan?" He asked as he moved closer to her ear.

"Ah! I get it. Because then I will kill your family, right? You care for everyone except me. Why, Jaan?" His voice was low and seductive.

"Pl-ease" Her eyes were tightly closed.

And in next moment, he threw knife to the side and turned her to face him.

She feel like her heart is gonna explode, she went cold.

"Open your eyes" He said touching her cheeks which were wet.

She gulped down and slowly opened
her eyes, doesn't want to worse the situation.

Hot water fell from her eyes and he could not help but start to clean face.

Her lips wobbled when she tries to speak.

"Take your time, jaan. I am not going to kill you"

She look at him, gulping down and opened her lips to speak.

"I-I'm sorry. I won't do this again. Please do-don't kill my parents. Please" She closed her eyes. Her hands joined in front of him and she was continuously pleading to not kill her family.

Soon her cries become louder and she was shaking her head.

"Why are you crying for them?" He hold her arms , halting her every action.

"Why so cruel? Can't you see how much I love you. You only care about them. Why not me!" He yelled at her. She was shaking in his hands.

Her head was down and she was scared to say anything.

"Answer me! What I did to you?" He grabbed her chin.

"Please l-leave me" She looked at him with teary eyes.

He gazed into her eyes.

"You never loved me" His voice was low and it sounds like he was talking to himself.

"You never did" He chuckled and looked down for a minute.

" But you will and even if I have to force you for that I won't hesitate" He looked back at her with this time his eyes hold obsession in them for her which sacred her more.

Love just happen. No one can force you to love them.

But she didn't had courage to say on his face.

"Leave all this. Tomorrow we are getting married. I don't want you to look dull" He said cleaning her teary face.

"Go wash your face then come downstairs for dinner" He kissed her hand before leaving her room.

She stood there like a statue with tears flowing down her face.

She felt a pain and she was frustrated.

"Why you make me weak, ALLAH?" She cried holding her hair.

Nothing is in her hand. Since he came in her like he is controlling her life.

She fall down on her knees and screamed.

"WHAT I DID? WHAT I DID THAT YOU ARE PUNISHING ME" She was talking to her God.

Complaining her God and asking what sim she did to deserve this.

Her cries become loud and she fell on her side crying her heart out.

"Irtaza I heard Inayat's cries from her room" Sharnaz said when he sit in his chair for dinner.

"Yeah I know. I heard" Irtaza causally said not looking up at her.

Sharnaz look at Rayan who was already staring at him.

Sharnaz cleared his throat before speaking again.

"I think she is not ready to accept this marriage"

"So what? What are you trying to say? To give her more time like I did last time and I almost lose her. No. That's not going to happen again. Ready or not doesn't matter to me. She has to accept this as her fate now. End of discussion" Sharnaz knew he cannot stop him. He has no right to do that. He was same as Irtaza some years ago.

And honestly it was not wrong in his eyes that Irtaza is forcing her to marry him.

What actually was bothering her that he is taking care of her. If he take care of her, she will start loving her, right? This is what always happen.

Man force woman then he start to show his care and she fall for him forgetting everything he has done with her.

"She is crying and you are eating your dinner" Sharnaz said in stern voice.

"Let her cry her heart out tonight" He looked at Sharnaz. His eyes were telling him to drop this topic.

Sharnaz only nodded and get back on their business topic.

At night, when everyone was sleeping.

Irtaza was looking at moon. This moon is nothing in front of his moon, his jaan. Inayat.

She is like a moon in his dark world.

Inayat was looking at moon.

I'm like this moon. Only darkness surrounds her.

Sorry for late update.

Sorry for mistakes in this chapter it's not edited.

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