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"So,Irtaza when you are planning to make her Inayat Irtaza Malik,officially"

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"So,Irtaza when you are planning to make her Inayat Irtaza Malik,officially"

Her breathe hitched in her throat.

"Soon" He looked at her with adoring gaze.Her heartbeat accelerated hearing his words.

'I don't want this' She thought.

"We'll marry really soon,right jaan" His hand wrapped around her waist. He was loving the feel of her skin under his hand.

She meekly shake her head and looked into his eyes with fear.

"I-I don't wan-t to mar-marry y-ou.I told you al-already" Her words were breaking out of his terror.

Sharnaz and Rayan weren't amazed seeing her reaction.

Irtaza closed his eyes trying to control his rage.He took deep breathe then opened his eyes.

"We'll talk about this,Later" His voice was filled with anger but still he was composed.

Inayat's lips were wobbling. She was at verge of crying. She bit her buttom lip to control her sob.

"Pl-ease" She whispered with tears glowing in her eyes.

He looked back at her then at her.His eyes holding anger.

The next moment,he took his gun out and Shoot.

She shrieked covering her ears.

Her breath was uneven. She can see the smoke coming out of gun.

She slightly turned and saw a died man on ground. His eyes opened. Irtaza shoot him between his eyes not giving that man time to even blink.

"Bastard, looking at her skin" Irtaza cursed putting the gun back.

She looked at his brothers in disbelief who just chuckled.

He take off his blazer and placed it around her shoulder then start closing the button so no one can see her visible waist.

"Dare you to wear any revealing saree" He whispered in her ear while buttoning the blazer.

She glanced around her but everyone was unaffected.

Their men were looking down,not daring to even peek at their Queen, they don't want to lose their lives.

Sharnaz and Rayan eyes held some sort of proud which was more disturbing for Inayat.

"Let's go home" Rayan said. Taking turn he went near car.

She doesn't want it but she doesn't want to lose her life either.

Her sixth sense was giving her warning but for the sake of her life she forced her legs to move.

Irtaza's hand wasn't leaving her hand for a second. Rayan opened door for her to sit. She looked back to men to see if someone come forward and save her but no one came.

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