Chapter 1

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Today was the day of the release of Shiratorizawa's entrance exam result. Tori and Kageyama headed to Shiratorizawa to check their results. Both of them were looking for their names from the list posted on the board. Tori beamed in joy when she finally spotted her name. She turned towards Kageyama excitedly, wanting to know if he got accepted as well. "Tobio, did you get accepted as well?!"

Kageyama just shook his head no causing her to have a gloomy aura around her. 

"Where are you planning on going then?"

"I don't know."

• • •

Both of them were in a curry restaurant as they were discussing which other schools might be suitable for him. As they were throwing random school names, one school, in particular, passed through her brain. "How about Karasuno?"


Tori nodded excitedly. "Yeah, I know that they are now called the flightless crows, but I heard rumours that Coach Ukai might come back! It will be a great opportunity for you!"

The mentioning of Coach Ukai brought twinkles to his eyes, but later he looked down dejected. "So we are now going to different schools?"

"Why are you so adorable?!" She squealed as she pinched his cheeks.

Kageyama turned pink, thanks to her actions, making her laugh.

"I-I'm not!" He yelled as he removed her hands from his cheeks.

Tori smiled brightly at him. "Don't worry, I'm going to Karasuno with you."

His eyes widened in shock as soon as he heard her words. "What?! Why?!"

"But I promised to be there for you! Also, I don't think Karasuno is that bad," Tori said happily. "I think it will be fun to watch you play volleyball, replacing the name, Flightless crow."

"Is that okay with you?" Kageyama asked with a hint of hesitation. "Oikawa-san won't be happy to hear it."

Kageyama might be dense when it was not related to volleyball, however, he knows how Oikawa was going to react when he learns that his little sister is going to the same school as him. 

Oikawa never really liked his sister hanging out with Kageyama and showed up out of nowhere whenever they were together. It was always Iwazumi who dragged Oikawa away.

• • •

"Tori, stay away from Tobio-chan!" Oikawa cried out dramatically as he hugged his sister tightly.

"You stay away from me," Tori mumbled in annoyance.

Dramatic tears fell from Oikawa's eyes. "How can you say that to your nii-chan?!"

Tori gave him a look of disgust before calling out to Iwaizumi. "Iwa-chan! Nii-chan is bothering me again!"

"Leave her alone for once, Kusokawa!" Iwaizumi yelled as he threw a volleyball at the back of Oikawa's head. "And I told you not to call me that, Tori."

"Ehhhh, you still love me!" Tori smiled, causing Iwaizumi to just shake his head with a small sigh. However, there was a faint smile displayed on his lips.

• • •

Tori just waved her hand with a laugh. "I told you several times already, it's fine. Who cares what he thinks? I'm going where I want to go."

"How about Kunimi and Kindaichi?" Kageyama asked once again.

He clearly remembers how they were close as well. He even remembers how they reacted whenever Tori was with him.

"What about them...?" Tori asked in confusion.

"Don't you wanna go to the same school as them as well?"

She shook her head. "Well, it might be fun, but they have both of each other, so I am going to stick with you. Also, I don't really want to go to the same school as my brother ever again. You know that better than anyone."

When she said the last part, she scowled as she remembered her brother's fangirls. However, it was quickly replaced with her excited smile. "I wish we can be classmates again! Oh, should I be the manager again?! I mean who will take care of you if it's not me?!"

"Ha?! I can take care of myself!" Kageyama argued.

She gave him a teasing look. "Really? Are you sure?"

At her teasing tone, Kageyama turned pink, but just huffed before going back to his curry. Tori laughed in glee at his reaction. She knows how he can't get mad at her.

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