Chapter 6

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When Oikawa and Tori arrived home, they were greeted by Iwaizumi. "You guys are finally here."

"Iwa-chan!" Tori yelled before running to him for a hug. 

Iwaizumi chuckled as he hugged her back.

Oikawa, seeing this, quickly pulled her away from Iwaizumi and hugged her instead with a pout. "She's my little sister!"

Iwaizumi gave him a look while Tori struggled to get away from his grip. When Oikawa finally let go of her, they gathered in Oikawa's room. 

"So?" Tori asked.

"What do you mean?" Oikawa asked innocently.

"Something obviously happened," she said as she raised her eyebrow.

Oikawa pouted as he hugged his sister tightly. "Tori, my girlfriend broke up with me!"

She sighed. "Why am I not surprised?"

Iwaizumi laughed while Oikawa gasped as he looked at his sister. "Tori?!"

"You obviously did not spend time with your girlfriend that much," she said tiredly as it was the same conversation they had every time Oikawa had a breakup. "You always spend your time with volleyball."

"But I'm passionate about volleyball!" Oikawa reasoned.

"Then don't get a girlfriend in the first place. Focus on volleyball instead then. Simple, problem solved," Tori said.

Oikawa pouted before asking her, "Then how about Tobio-chan?"

"What about Tobio?" She asked in confusion.

"He only thinks about volleyball. He probably doesn't think about relationships or does not understand those emotions in the first place."

"Yeah? So?" She furrowed her brows.

"I mean, don't you like him?" Oikawa asked with a displeased look.

"I do what now?!" Tori yelled in shock.

"You thought I won't find out?!" Oikawa dramatically cried out. "How can you fall for him out of all the people?!"

"What the hell is he talking about?!" Tori asked Iwaizumi in confusion.

"Oikawa has been going on about how you look at him," Iwaizumi explained. "He was never happy about it though as you can see."

"He is my best friend! Nothing more!" She said.

Oikawa gave her a look. "Don't you think you can fool me!"

Tori ruffled her hair in annoyance. "Seriously, I just said I don't like him like that!"

Oikawa did not say anything and gave her a look that says he does not believe a single word she said. Tori was about to yell at her brother. Why can't he believe that they are just best friends? Yeah, she does love watching him play volleyball and spend time with him, but that's because they were best friends. Why was he implying that there was something more in her feelings?

As she was thinking, she froze in realization. Thinking about Kageyama made her just realize something. Then Oikawa's voice echoed in her brain. 'Don't you like him?' While Tori was frozen on her spot, Iwaizumi and Oikawa stared at her in confusion. "Tori?"

As if on cue, Tori suddenly stood up and left her brother's room in a rush as the heat began to rush to her face. "I'm tired! I'm going to sleep!"

Oikawa and Iwaizumi were silent as they were left in his room until Oikawa yelled, "Did you see her reaction?! That's a positive reaction, right?! She indeed likes him! Why Tobio-chan out of all people?!"

Iwaizumi sighed at his friend's antics.

• • •

Meanwhile, Tori buried herself in her blanket as she tried to calm down her cheeks. She could not believe that she was indeed in love with her best friend. She was wondering how she was supposed to face him, now that she was aware of her feelings.

However, it clicked to her how Kageyama was dense and loves volleyball more than anything. She remembers how Kageyama told her once that he thinks relationships are a hassle and a waste of time since it distracts him from volleyball. 

Tori lowered her gaze downwards as her mood began to drop. What's the point of realizing her feelings when she knows that he clearly won't ever feel the same? Maybe she was not aware of her feelings because she knew there was no hope between them to ever step across the friendship boundary.

As she thought that, she realized that she did not have to worry about facing Kageyama. She was going to give up her feelings for him anyway. She sighed as a single tear flow down her eyes, wetting her pillow. She then closed her eyes, wanting to forget about her feelings and the conversation she had previously.

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