Chapter 12

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On the next day, Karasuno members teased Tori and Kageyama about their relationship. "I can't believe they are dating!"

"It feels like my children have grown up!"

"The king and his queen."

"I thought Kageyama would be the last one to get a girlfriend!"

Thanks to their teasings, the other school members found out about their relationship as well. Most of them congratulated them while Kuroo smirked. "I knew it!"

"What do you mean, Kuroo-san?" Tori asked with a blush from the continuous teasing of others.

"By the way he was acting last time. I could tell he was definitely jealous~ I was planning on teasing him a bit, but too bad he was faster than me," he said.

As they continued to talk, Kageyama appeared out of nowhere and he scowled at Kuroo as he grabbed Tori's hand. Kuroo chuckled at his action as he raised both of his arms. "I'm not doing anything to her. Although I never thought you were the type to get jealous easily."

Kageyama did not say anything and pulled Tori away from him. She giggled at his reaction before waving at Kuroo.

• • •

Aside from that, Karasuno has improved so much that they were beginning to win more matches against the other teams. Even better, Kageyama's modified toss was now successful. He finally got the hang of it that Hinata was able to open his eyes as he spiked.

Soon it was already the last day of summer training camp. The coaches decided to hold a barbecue party for the hard-working members. When Takeda sensei mentioned it, all the members suddenly got fired up, determined to win even further.

• • •

During the barbecue party, Kageyama and Tori were seated together as they enjoyed the feast. They were enjoying each other's presence at the same time, Kageyama was busy shoving the meat into his mouth. Tori just laughed at him as she made sure he chew and drank water before he chokes. She also wiped his mouth with a tissue whenever there was sauce or pieces of rice. 

Kageyama blushed at her actions but accepted them quietly. The third-years were watching them like proud parents while the second-years along with Hinata teased Kageyama about it. Meanwhile, Tsukishima looked at them in disgust.

• • •

Tori was on a call with Tobio like her usual nights after they have returned to Miyagi. Usually, she ensures that her brother is not home or she keeps her volume down.

"Do you want to go on a d-date?" Kageyama asked nervously.

Tori's eyes widened since it was something she did not expect him to ask. "Tobio, I didn't think it will be you who will ask first."

"Well... Suga-san has been giving me advice..." Kageyama answered honestly.

Tori laughed at his words. "I would love to go on a date! When should we go?!"

Tori was speaking excitedly and maybe a bit loud enough for Oikawa to hear her. She continued to talk to Kageyama until her door burst open. "What am I hearing right now?!"

"Shoot," Tori muttered. "Tobio, I need to go. I'll message you if I can. Bye!"

She quickly hung up the call before turning to her brother. Oikawa was staring at her with wide eyes. "Did I just hear it right?!"

Tori hesitated, but since he already heard her conversation, there was no point in hiding it. "Yeah, I'm dating Tobio."

Oikawa rushed to her side and grabbed her shoulders tightly as he shook her roughly. "I told you not to accept any confession! Even worse, it's Tobio-chan!"

Tori was beginning to feel dizzy at his actions that she struggled to pull away from him. "Stop shaking me!"

Oikawa finally stopped but continued to hold her shoulders. "Please tell me you're joking!"

"Too bad, I'm not," Tori said as she stuck her tongue out at him. "What's your deal anyway? I'm the one dating him, not you."

"Tori!" Oikawa yelled.

Tori quickly covered her ears. "Stop yelling! Also, you already knew I like him! Do you expect me to reject his confession?!"

"Tobio-chan is the one who confessed?!" Oikawa yelled in shock.

"I thought you already had an idea?"

"It did not really register to me!" Oikawa said. "I can't believe he was the one who made the first move! That Tobio-chan?! Does that even makes sense?!"

"Honestly, I can't believe it either, but he did," Tori said as she tried to hide her smile, which she failed.

"You need to tell me the details! I can't believe this!" Oikawa yelled as he sat beside her with twinkling eyes.

Tori groaned but decided to tell him the details since at least he stopped complaining that she was dating Kageyama. In the end, she ended up spending her whole night telling with her brother about her relationship with Kageyama. Oikawa was throwing out advice, but she rejected them all since he never had a successful relationship.

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