Chapter 14

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Tori groaned as she opened her eyes to see a white ceiling. She tried to sit up as she felt pain in her head. Before she could fully register her surroundings, there was a loud yell beside her. "TORI!"

"Nii-chan?" Tori furrowed her brows.

"ARE YOU OKAY?!" Oikawa asked as he panicked.

Iwaizumi slapped the back of Oikawa's head to calm him down. "Lower your voice, Kusokawa. You don't want her head to hurt even more."

Oikawa nodded as he stared at her with worried all over his face. "You gave me a huge fright..."

"I'm sorry, Nii-chan..." she mumbled.

Oikawa just grabbed her hands while Iwaizumi spoke instead. "Kageyama explained everything. He is talking to the police officer about this, so he will be back whenever he is done."

Tori nodded as that meant Myoga won't be able to approach her anymore. She didn't even understand why she would hold that much grudge on her about that Yamato guy.

"Why didn't you tell us? Kageyama said it was since junior high," Iwaizumi asked. He was upset that he had no idea about this happening and ended up with Tori being hurt. 

It went the same for Oikawa. He treasures his sister with all his heart. Knowing that she got hurt and he couldn't prevent it breaks his heart.

Tori could not meet their gaze as she didn't know what to say. She doesn't know why she didn't tell them. She just didn't for some reason. Maybe she didn't want to make it into a bigger deal. The both of them sighed at her silence but decided to not push her any further. They were just glad that it was put to an end. Hopefully, she wouldn't experience this ever again.

• • •

Tori was alone in the room when Kageyama arrived after the investigation along with other Karasuno members.

"Tori!" Kageyama immediately went to her side in relief and guilt. "I'm sorry..."

Tori smiled at him. "It's not your fault."

Kageyama bit his lips while the other members approached her as well. "How are you feeling?"

"My head hurts, but I guess that can't be helped," she chuckled.

"I'm glad that we were able to find you before anything worse could happen," Suga said with a relieved sigh.

"I was really scared when I saw that scene a while ago," Asahi clenched his chest.

"Kageyama was really pale when he came to us for help!" Hinata yelled.

Tori ruffled Kageyama's hair gently while he grabbed onto her other hand tightly.

"Tobio-chan, what did the police say?!" Oikawa asked as soon as he entered the room with Iwaizumi.

"She was sent to Juvenile Jail Center and she isn't allowed to approach her even after her release," Kageyama explained.

Both of them sigh in relief along with Tori.

"Nii-chan, how long am I going to be hospitalized?" Tori asked as she remembered that inter-high was coming up.

"The doctor said around two weeks," Oikawa answered.

"Does that mean she can't join us during the spring tournament?" Hinata asked.

Tori nodded in defeat as her shoulders slouched. However, she straightened her body back and looked at Karasuno. "You guys better go to Nationals!"

They all smiled with a nod of determination. 

On the other hand, Oikawa snickered. "No way Tobio-chan is going to beat me! Seijoh is the one who is going to Nationals!"

Karasuno and Oikawa were shooting lasers at each other.

"I'm cheering for you, Karasuno. I believe in my team," she smiled, causing them to cheer while Oikawa pouted.

• • •

During the days of her being hospitalized, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Kageyama were the ones who visited her the most. They were basically staying with her whenever they can. 

Oikawa doesn't seem to still like the idea of his precious sister being in a relationship with Kageyama, but he did not really say anything out of the line. He just throws comments or teases Kageyama instead to which Iwaizumi sighs. There were times where Kageyama slept in the hospital which Oikawa said he should be doing that, but Iwaizumi just drags him away despite his cries.

Whenever they were alone, Kageyama tells her about what happened during the club and the tournament. 

"We won against Seijoh," Kageyama said as he bit on his apple.

Tori yelled out in joy, but soon it went down as that explains why her brother told her he couldn't visit her today. Her face turned grim as she was wondering if she should call him. However, she decided to do that later that for now, she wanted to give him space.

• • •

"You what?!" Tori asked in shock.

"We are going to the Nationals," Kageyama said. "We are just getting started."

Tori almost leaped out of her bed in joy. "That's so amazing! I knew your hard works are going to be paid off! I'm so happy!"

Kageyama nodded beside her. He then blushed as he fidgeted on his fingers.

"What's wrong, Tobio?" She asked in his sudden change of mood.

Kageyama continued to hesitate before suddenly leaning his face closer to his. 

"Tobi-" Tori was cut off by his lips touching hers. Tori's eyes widened in shock as it was certainly something she did not expect to happen soon. Also, who would have thought it will be Kageyama who will take a step first? Her lips tugged upward as she closed her eyes, enjoying the moment.

When Kageyama pulled away, he blushed into a deeper shade as he tried to hide his face from her. Seeing his reaction, Tori giggled before calling out this name. "Tobio."

He slowly glanced up, but his eyes widened as it was Tori who has kissed him this time. But he quickly recovered from his shock as he closed his eyes. He definitely enjoyed their moment right now. When they pulled away for the second time, they looked at each other's eyes before saying their thoughts at the same time. "I love you."

Tori smiled brightly while Kageyama blushed but continued to look at her as his hand tightened around her. 

Tori did not know how Kageyama got the courage or even had an idea to make the first move since she knew Kageyama has zero experience and knows nothing about relationships. Unknown to her, there were the third-years behind him. They wanted to make sure that Kageyama does not make any mistakes or anything that might cause Tori to be anxious about their relationship.

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