Chapter 2

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Both, Tori and Kageyama, were able to attend Karasuno that they were walking together on the first day of school. Along the way, they were having conversations about volleyball as usual. When both of them arrived at the school building, they checked the board to find out that they were classmates once again. Tori turned to him excitedly. "Tobio, we are classmates again!"

Kageyama just nodded, but Tori could tell that he was happy as much as she was. 

• • •

Kageyama and Tori were at the gym after classes were over. They already had their registration forms ready and were waiting for the members of the club to show up. Kageyama was practicing his serves while Tori watched him until they heard the door open, followed by a yell, "YOU!"

Both of them turned towards the voice and saw a short guy with orange hair. Tori stared at him intensely as he looked familiar. As she was trying to trace back her memories, that was when it clicked to her brain. "You! You were the one who had that amazing jump when you were against Kitagawa Daiichi!"

The guy nodded his head. "I'm Hinata Shouyou!"

"Nice to meet you! I'm Tori!" She introduced herself with an excited smile. "Your jumps and reflexes were amazing that day!"

Hinata blushed in embarrassment at her compliment.

As Tori continued to hold a conversation with Hinata, the door opened once again with three students entering. The guy with black hair saw the three of them and asked, "Who are you guys?"

"Hi, we are here to give your our registration form!" Tori responded.

"Oh, welcome to the club! It's nice to have another manager here! I'm the captain, Sawamura Daichi."

As they were introducing themselves, they all heard arguments at the back. They turned towards it to see Kageyama and Hinata ready to play volleyball against each other. 

As they were having a match, despite the upper class telling them to stop, the vice principal entered and observed them with a disapproving look. Sawamura continued to stop them, but his voice did not reach those two.

Tori was about to step in to at least stop Kageyama when the ball flew towards the vice principal and hit him on the face, causing his wig to fly. Tori tried her best to hold her laugh as she turned her face away from him while Sawamura apologized countless times. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! It won't happen again!"

After the vice principal left, Tori turned to Kageyama with an intimidating aura. "T.o.b.i.o.?"

"T-Tori?!" Kageyama backed away as her aura was enough to tell him how mad she was.

"Baka! Why are you having a competition with Hinata when senpais were telling you to stop?! Even the vice principal was here!"

Kageyama mumbled an apology as he averted his gaze from her.

Tori continued to give him a look until she heard Sawamura say, "Both of you are not joining this club unless you learn how to cooperate with each other. You will play 3 on 3 in few days to prove that you learned it."

Sawamura then kicked Hinata and Kageyama out of the gym as Tori sighed at the sight before apologizing to Sawamura instead of Kageyama. Tori felt drained despite it just being the first day. She sighed as they had a long way to go.

• • •

"Why are you in Karasuno?! I thought you said you were going to Seijoh?!" Oikawa yelled with dramatic tears as soon as he spotted Tori enter the house.

Tori pretended to be shocked. "I did? I don't remember."

Oikawa glared at his sister. "You lied to me on purpose, didn't you?!"

Tori gave him a quick smile. "At least you're not stupid."

"Huh?!" Oikawa yelled. "Tori, why?!"

"Cause I knew you will react like this," she explained with a sigh.

"How can you betray your nii-chan for Tobio-chan?!" Oikawa cried as he hugged his sister tightly.

Tori struggled in his arms. "Tobio is my best friend! Of course, I want to go to the same school as him! Also, you are graduating this year, what's the point?!"

"But Tori!" Oikawa continued to whine.

"Stop whining! It's already done!" She yelled. "Mom! Nii-chan is bothering me again!"

"Tooru! Leave your sister alone for once!"

"But mom!" Oikawa tried to reason out, but by the look their mother gave, he just nodded his head with a pout.

Tori stuck her tongue out at him in a teasing manner before going into her room.

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