Chapter 8

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Karasuno was against Dateko, the school famous for the iron wall. It was also the school that Asahi wants to overcome after being blocked by them on the previous inter-high. Before the members could enter the gym, Tori went towards Asahi. "Asahi-san."

He looked at her with a smile. "What is it?"

"I just wanted to say that everyone has your back. You are not alone," she smiled encouragingly.

Asahi nodded with determination.

She then went to Kageyama. "Tobio."

"What?" He asked with a look of curiosity.

"Please help Asahi-san overcome the trauma he experienced from Dateko with your tosses. Help him score just like how you helped Hinata score. Help him break through the iron walls," Tori said.

Kageyama nodded, which brought a smile to Tori's face.

They then turned around to enter the gym but were greeted with Suga staring at them with wide eyes. "Suga-san?"

"I was about to ask the same thing to Kageyama," Suga said in shock.

"I guess we thought of the same thing!" Tori smiled to which he smiled back with a nod.

• • •

When they finally entered the gym, Tori had to say on the bleachers since only one manager was allowed to stay with the coach and the team. As she sat there, she heard a familiar voice beside her. "Tori!"

Tori rolled her eyes before turning her face to the side. "Nii-chan."

"Are you going to cheer for me?!" Oikawa asked in excitement.

She gave him a look. "Of course not! I am cheering for my team!"

"But Tori, I'm your nii-chan!" Oikawa pouted.

"She is Karasuno's manager. Of course, she will cheer for them, you dumbass!" Iwaizumi yelled as he slapped the back of his friend's head.

"Hey, Iwa-chan!" She smiled while Oikawa was rubbing the spot he got slapped.

"Why aren't you with your teammates?" Iwaizumi asked.

"Only one manager is allowed to stay," She said.

"Oh yeah, I forgot."

As Iwaizumi and Tori were having a conversation, they heard Oikawa greet Kageyama and Hinata. "Hey, Tobio-chan, Chibi-chan!"

"Don't bully them!" Toro yelled while Iwaizumi slapped Oikawa's hand.

"E-Eh?! But I didn't do anything yet!" Oikawa pouted once again which got ignored.

"Tobio! Hinata! Good luck out there!" Tori smiled at them.

Kageyama gave her a nod while Hinata gave her a bright smile.

• • •

When the final whistle was blown, Tori jumped up from her seat as she yelled in happiness. Karasuno has won against Dateko and it was thanks to Asahi's last spike. He broke through the iron wall. He overcame the obstacle that was blocking his way. Everyone else had a huge smile as well as they thrust their fists into the air.

Tori quickly ran down, straight to the team. "Good job, everyone! That was an amazing play!" 

She turned to Asahi with a bright smile. "That was amazing, Asahi-san! You are our ace!"

Asahi smiled in happiness in response.

"Tobio! Your last toss was the best!" She said as she slapped his back.

Kageyama blushed and looked away from her as he nodded his head. 

• • •

Since Seijoh has won their match, they were Karasuno's next opponent. Tori could tell that Kageyama was a bit nervous as he seemed more sensitive at the moment. 

"Tobio?" She called out to him.

Kageyama did not say anything but turned his head towards her. 

"I know you're nervous, but don't worry too much. Just do your best!" She smiled as she gave him a hug, hoping it can help him calm down a bit.

Kageyama once again did not say anything but hugged her back.

• • •

As Karasuno was having their next match with Seijoh, Tori noticed how Kageyama was becoming restless. She understood that it was the effect of her brother, but if he keeps it up, it's going to ruin everyone's tempo.

As she began to grow worried about his condition, Kageyama was subbed out. Suga went in to replace Kageyama as the setter. She felt relieved as it might help him calm down. At the same time, she was worried as she knows how he feels about being subbed out.

All she could hope was that he realizes being subbed out does not mean he is useless to the team. He needs to realize that he has a different team from Kitagawa Daiichi. Karasuno was more supportive and will try to listen. All he had to do was calm his nerves before facing against her brother, against Seijoh.

• • •

Soon enough, another whistle was blown, subbing Kageyama back in. As the game continued, she was worried about Kageyama and Tsukishima. They don't get along since they had a bad start and Tsukishima seems to have something against Kageyama. If they don't talk to each other, it might bring negative results.

However, Tori smiled in relief when it turned out that she was worried for nothing. Kageyama was constantly improving and he was trying his best to coordinate with the whole team, including Tsukishima. She was happy at his improvement. She felt proud of him.

That was when there was a loud slamming of the ball to the floor. Tori flinched at the sound before glancing at her brother. Her brother's serve was truly amazing. She knew how much effort he puts into volleyball, but in a way, she sees her brother as a genius as well.

• • •

Tori stared at the court in disbelief. Karasuno has lost against Seijoh. She bit her lips, trying to hide her sadness, before running down, to the team. The ride back to school was silent and Tori did not know what to say, especially to Kageyama. Once they reached their school, they were then separated, heading to their respective homes.

Tori was walking with Kageyama in silence until she decided to break it. "Ne, Tobio, do you want to have a sleepover?"

Kageyama hesitated but nodded in agreement.

Tori told Kageyama that she will just go home to freshen up and bring some stuff over to his house. Kageyama nodded before heading to his home ahead of her.

Once Tori was ready, she quickly left, before she could face her brother. She was happy for her brother, but she felt sad for her team, for Kageyama. She was in a weird position that she doesn't know how to feel at this point.

However, since Seijoh has won, she decided to go comfort Kageyama instead since her brother will be in a good mood. She can just congratulate him by leaving a note in his room.

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