Heather's Musical- Roger

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Heyyy so yes. This is an original idea, though if someone else has done it I'm very unaware. I also haven't actually seen Heather's, (SORRRRYYYYY IM WORKING ON IT) But this idea came to me while I was dancing to the musical soundtrack. You'll see where this goes but yes it's very very dirty so here's your warning. Enjoy:)

"Ready darling?" Freddie says, backstage with me. Tonight was opening night of Heather's. A musical I'd decided to take part in, since I'm fresh out of college and don't have anything better to do. "I think so. I'm just so nervous...how do you do this all the time and be completely fine?" I ask, referring to his nonstop stage appearances. "We'll, darling, I just try very hard. And I am myself and no one but myself, which doesn't really apply here since the goal is to be someone else. But my best advice to you is that if you mess up, act like it was part of the show. Specifically, Brian and I do that a lot." I chuckle.

"Hey! Sorry, I'm late. Fuckin traffic again. But I'm here." Roger says, kissing my forehead. "There you are, I was worried. Where's everyone else?" I ask, worried that Brian and Deaky would miss it. "They're in their seats, they didn't want to overwhelm you." Freddie holds both of my shoulders in his hands, and pulls me into a tight hug. Roger comes from behind. "Break a leg, Veronica Sawyer." Roger whispers in my ear. I smile, "Will do," I muffle into someone's shoulder.

"Hey! Everyone, 5 minutes to curtain. Visitors are now being asked to go back to their seats." The stage manager, Stevie, announces. "Okay, I'll see you after." I say, breaking the group hug. "You got this." Roger reassures, before planting another kiss on my forehead and leaving.

He kisses my forehead when I have lip gloss on, he hates how it feels afterward when it's all ver his lips. Hates it. Cry's like a toddler when it happens.

My opening outfit was a blue blazer that was tight around my curves and a short grey skirt that showed my entire bottom half, minus most of my buttocks. Most. Not all; most.

My hair was styled in a half up half down with a blue ribbon keeping it in place. I felt like a high school girl in private school again.


"Are we gonna have a problem? You got a bone to pick? You've come so far why now are you pulling on my dick." Heather Chandler character opens the next song, Candy Store. I waited offstage, for when I'd run on a take my next place with Martha's character. Then I heard "Keep on testing me...and end pup like her!" My queue.

I sat down at a prop table, next to Martha. "Color me stoked."

"I'm so happy!"

The lights dimmed on where we sat, and we got up to take our places in the shadow.

"Honey whatcha waiting fo-"

"SHUT UP HEATHER! Step into my candy store! And prove you're not a lame ass anymore...and step into my candy store.

I started to dance, showing off how short my skirt was; the perfect schoolgirl dance. "It's my candy store, it's my candy...it's my candy store it's my candy..." We all made repetitive moves menus, each one somewhat sexier and kinkier than the last.

The song finished with a huge clash, and the lights dimmed on the stage. We all scurried stage right to prepare for our next act.


We all took a bow, as the crowd went almost wild. We'll...Brian Roger Freddie and Deaky went wilder than any of them. Especially Roger. The screamed louder than anyone there, jumpin up and down, whistling, etc. I blushed at the attention. The lights dimmed, once more. And I hurried off stage to see my boys.

"You did absolutely amazing darling!" Freddie and the others embraced me into a tight hug. I was a bit sweaty from dancing around in a thick costume under hot ass lights. So I pulled away before I got too overheated. "Don't you need to change your costume?" Brian asks, looking me up and down. "I loved it so much, I decided to just give them the money for them to get another one so I could keep it." I explained, "well it looks lovely on you, love. Glad you get to have it." Roger winked. "Oh! How could I forget. We got you these.." Deaky handed me a full on bouquet of flowers. "Awwww thank you so much! I love them! I'll put them in a vase when I get home. Thank you!!" I pulled them each individually into a meaningful hug.

"I'd love to stick around for longer but I'm really tired, and it's late." I spoke, somewhat on Rogers behalf. He seemed pretty ready to go home and engage in some more entertaining activities. I could tell by the way he hungrily stared at me with eyes darkened with lust.

Just a hunch.

"Awww okay. Love you darling, I'll pick you guys up around 11 tomorrow for some brunch. Sound good?" I nod in response. "Yeah that sounds lovely! Okay, byeeee!" And we left. As soon as Roger and I were walking alone, he snaked his arm around my waist. Dangerously close to my ass.

"You we're very naughty tonight...dancing like that on stage in front of many others to see? Tsk tsk tsk. Dangerous game, love..." he whispers in my ear, his voice huskier than usual. I could feel my cheeks turn bright red, as we approached our car home.

As soon as the front door was shut, we were all over each other. "Now...you will do whatever I say. Should you disobey...you'll be punished. Understood?" I nodded, becoming more and more needy for him...

Part 2 will be posted sometime soon

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