001- ➷。˚draken

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soul mate
┊͙ /ˈsōl ˌmāt/
noun: soulmate
a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner. ┊͙

Y/n was sitting on the sofa at her moms house taking the box braids she had in only for a week because she wanted butterfly locs. This girl was so indecisive she even contemplated on whether she wanted to watch spongebob and patrick while she took down her hair or if she wanted to leave the tv off.

She grumble struggling with the tangled hair at the end of the braid. They happened to also call their boyfriend draken before hand because she thought that his presence would be helpful.

 They happened to also call their boyfriend draken before hand because she thought that his presence would be helpful

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↳ after a while of struggling the tall blonde finally came over. "Nigga what took you so damn long" y/n said before plopping down onto the couch. draken felt like she was the only person he had time to waist with. She then went right back to taking down her braids."I had to take care of some business" he said calmly as always. Y/n slowly turned her head and looked at him up and down giving him that 'boy PUH-lease' look before softly saying "come help me take down my hair before I hurt you bruh".

He never saw a problem with her attitude, matter of a factor he loved it, it made him want to try even harder to deal with it, she was like his own little challenge.

Draken walked towards the sofa and sat down beside her "I don't know if I can" he said in a monotone filled voice almost like a whisper "boy...you got that long ass braid in your head and you talkin bout some 'I don't know if I can'? If you don't get over here and help me" he wanted to laugh at her struggle but damn he knew he couldn't do it unless he wanted his life cut short.

He took a braid into his hands and took it down faster than light itself "hold awn hold awn pause wait wait waitttt" the brown girl said while looking at ken then back at the braid "how the fuck did you do that shit" she said in a squeaky voice with a shocked expression on her face "will you stop cursing and it's easy you just have to stop being rough...your like a wild animal n/n" he said with a bit of laughter laced in his voice "akekeke keep laughing imma shave yo head in your sleep nigga" she said a angry but playful tone, then there was silence darken just sat quietly and helped her unbraid her hair.

your like a wild animal n/n" he said with a bit of laughter laced in his voice "akekeke keep laughing imma shave yo head in your sleep nigga" she said a angry but playful tone, then there was silence darken just sat quietly and helped her unbraid ...

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↳ They had finally got done taking down her hair so now she was just stepping out from the bathroom after washing her hair and ken helping her dry it. "Baby what hair style should I get now I kinda want butterfly locs" she said scrunching her nose and looking up at the rat tailed tall male (LMAO) "hmm what about those um passion twists? I saw you talking about them with Mrs l/n" he said calmly before patting her head and Turning around on his heel.

She then again clicked her tongue and nodded "yuh I kinda like that idea shorty" she said mocking his deep voice. Draken turned around raising an eyebrow with his hand on his hip "did you just MOCK me" he put an emphasis on mock. She tried to hold in her laugh before she bursted out laughing "bruh you look like somebody mama standing like that" she said breathlessly.

Draken smiled a little watching as she fell to the floor laughing at his stance. Boy was he in love with her.

(Then he threw her out the window Jk jk...unless 😕)

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