008 =͟͟͞͞♡Kazutora

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"opposites attract just like your attracted to deeznutz"

You were sitting on your bed painting your nails when tora bursted into your room breathing heavily.

"Tora what the hell" you say as you put your nail polish on your bed side table and look up at the shook male.

"Y/n you didn't text me that you pooped today and you always do that so that means your sad but your not sad so you must be mad" he said quickly blazing through every word.

You let out a small laugh and pull him on top of you, his head resting on your stomach.

He would always do this because he knew you and how you would get because he was like that to. Some days you wake up happy and the other you don't feel like talking to anyone nor do you feel like your self.

Tora was introverted but it depends on what day it is and that's what it's like for you.

"No tora I'm fine I just forgot because I was busy with homework" you then run your fingers through his hair, he wraps his arms around your waist, you feel him slowly start to calm down.

"Y/n" he mumbled into your stomach and you laughed softly because it tickled. "yeah?" You say quietly still playing with his hair then fixing your bonnet that was sliding off of your head.

"Are you gonna leave me?" The words quietly left his mouth.

"No I never will I don't think anyone else would ask if I pooped today like you do" you say smiling down at him as he looked up at you from your stomach.

"Really? That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me" he spoke jokingly sniffling "and I don't think I could play with anyone's stomach like I do with you" he added on with a low chuckle.

You laughed and sighed "my dads gonna kill you when he finds you up here" you laugh again.

"Yeah it's worth it your stomachs like a pillow I'm about pass out" he yawned closing his eyes.

"I love you my shawty bae" you say through a smile looking down at your hand then at the promise ring he gave you a week ago and your unpainted nails.

"I love you to babe" he laughed before you both fell asleep.

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