007 ˖*°⋆*Angry

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"Angry? Angry deeznuts 😕🤞🏾"

"Angry I'm not playing yo games today bruh" y/n yelled. Angry was hiding from her because it was wash day, he knew what happened on was day. You would detangle his hair and help him wash it he hated it and loved it at the same time. he would start crying like a baby once you started.

"Souta kentrell Kawata get yo ass out here right now" you yelled loudly. "Not the government name" you heard someone mumble from behind you, it sounded like it was coming from the closet.

You opened the door to see your boyfriend curled up in a ball on the floor of the closet.
Y/n sighed and squatted down to his level "listen I won't brush your hair that hard this time ok?".

She held out her hand waiting for him to grab it "you promise n/n?" He questioned. You nodded and took his hand.

He was now sitting between your thighs and playing with em like stress balls and his hair was wet, some of his curls stuck to his forehead, this mf was scared

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He was now sitting between your thighs and playing with em like stress balls and his hair was wet, some of his curls stuck to his forehead, this mf was scared. "Angry stop moving you're making my thighs wet" "nvm that ain't sound right".

You brushed his hair slowly making sure not to pull his hair to hard when the brush came to a tangle. After a while you were done and he was looking at his hair In the mirror.

"Y/n?" Angry says quietly. You hummed in response "do I have to wear a bonnet now?" He questioned quietly and a bit embarrassed.

You held back a laugh "u-um yup" you choked.
"Can I spend a night please I don't want smiley to see me in that state PLEASE" he yelled begging on his hands and knees.

"Kneegrow if you don't get up" you yelled and watched him quickly get off his knees. "yes you can spend a night my mama won't mind and I already told angry so it's ok" You say softly before taking him out of your bathroom and getting a bonnet out of your drawer.

"Come her babe" Y/n said looking down at the black silky bonnet in her hand then back at him.

He leaned down letting you put it on and you smiled looking at him "what?" He said looking at you then back at his feet.

"You look so cuteeee" you gave him a small kiss and then turned around on your hill leaving him a blushing mess.

He was looking at his phone, doing whatever before you took out your phone and took a picture but dayum yo dumbass left the flash on.

"I HAWTE YOW N/N" he yelled tears coming from his eyes.

You tried to hold in your laugh but it came out "OH NO BABY IM SO SORRY PLEASE YOU LOOKED SO CUTE" you choked out

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You tried to hold in your laugh but it came out "OH NO BABY IM SO SORRY PLEASE YOU LOOKED SO CUTE" you choked out. Before he could say anything you brought him into a hug.

Putting both hands on his cheeks and showering him in kisses "I love you and I promise I won't send the picture to the group chat" he nodded and his whole face was read.

"I love you to n/n"

He wasn't really soft around the gang like he was with you but that's what you liked about him.

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